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Thursday 25 October 2012

Dinner Guests

Hi there,
Homework last week was to select historical dinner guests. Some very interesting ones were chosen. Here is a selection of the people that were chosen.

Who would you have at a dinner party?
What would ask them?

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Week 1 Term 4 2012... 10 weeks to go.

Well this week has been interesting. I have been out and about in other classes observing and talking to students. Of course time out of the class has meant I was not in class, thus the start of the term has not had the 'flow' I would have liked. Wednesday saw Colin back (after his back operation) with Rebecca Best on Thursday and Colin again on Friday. Messy, yes but we have to work around things sometimes.

A few things for the term...
Firstly many of the students will be attending High School exams ( 1st November- Roncalli, 9th November TBHS, TGHS). Please remember to tell me if and when you are away.

Secondly here is a run down of what we know is happening for the term:

Week 2

Week 3
29th November Roncalli @ Gleniti to talk to students & teachers
31st October School Photos
1st November Roncalli exams

Week 4
7th November Walkathon- PTA afternoon
9th November Mountainview, TBHS, TGHS exams morning

Week 5 
12th-13th November Marg Wright @ Gleniti
14th November School Gala- afternoon (PLEASE HELP WE NEED STOCKS and A BIG ROPE)
15th November Skate/Scooter competition afternoon
15th November Lip Sync competition - evening

Week 6  
20th November Gleniti Athletic Sports
22nd November visiting artist

Week 7

Week 8  
4th December South Canterbury Athletics
7th Records books home

Week 9  
12th December Prizegiving @ 6.30
14th December Reports go home

Week 10
17th December Year 7/8 Reward day
17th December Year 8 Dinner

As you can see a busy term at the moment even before the class has school work.
The topics we are looking at are:                    Picture Books

It is a very exciting term with house leaders being chosen, awards given out and the Year 8's growing up and moving on.

Have a look at this. It doesn't seem that long that I was working in DOS at High School.

See you round school.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Term 4 @ Gleniti

Welcome back all have a look at this cut from a movie. It is a great movie with very relevant messages.

Relates to this weeks homework. I said I would invite William Wallace, Adolf Hitler, Buddah, William Shakespeare and Hannibal to dinner. As I mentioned the names their were a few blank faces. Hope this helps.

Have a look.
