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Monday 18 March 2013

It has been a while.

Hi there all as the title says it has been a while since I typed on the blog.

The year 7's have started the Forensic science course at Mountain View High school. It is really exciting as they have to work their own CSI crime scene and come up with all the facts and details. Mrs L (previously Mrs D) and  half of my class are doing it this time. With Mrs Hinton and the other half of my class completing the course in term 3.

Sailing has been and gone. It was great to see the students out ands about on the bay trying their hand at something new. Sadly I missed  my second day due to a flu but they still had a great time. There were some great efforts with the ones who actually tried to sail rather than pumping the rudder having more fun in the afternoon. I can assure you that we had all the safety gear and the wetsuits did the job. I jumped in to check them out so the children felt safe. (On purpose of course, there was a rumour I may have fallen in.)

Jack, William, Ethan have competed in the South Canterbury triathlon with them all doing well. Especially Jack who was (eventually and rightly so)given first after being miles in front and got sent on another lap by a marshall. Our class has also sent teams to the Police Training Fitness Competition and the Opihi Mountain Biking competition. These saw results very positive with a first again at the Mountain Biking and a 4th at the Police Course. It is fantastic that these people enjoy competing and enjoy winning graciously and sometimes not winning with style.

Swimming Sports are coming up on APRIL 3rd (the first Wednesday after the Easter Break) .  As we are at C Bay and it is our first run here the teachers in charge of the day have decided that the swimmers will only be in widths or lengths. This is due to two pools, money and time. After the day an evaluation will occur and we will see how to improve it. I realise the pool is quite deep. The races will be from deep to shallow and so I encourage if at all possible everyone does the length (25m) races. Memories not Dreams!

We continue to sing at our Team meetings with these songs going to be  moved to the assembly to be sung with the school. I am really impressed with the quality as I know there are many different levels and abilities of singers.  But any singing is good singing.

The Gleniti fair was held last Saturday and it was a really great 3 hours. It ran really smoothly thanks to the adults and the students all pitching and working towards one common goal. Our Candy Floss and Knock em Down really went well with it being busy and sold out by the end.


We had a meeting and today and looking forward to next term I found this talk by a man with a very interesting idea of how education should/could be. The first few minutes really ring true regarding the Victorian Age. Have a look and see what you think. I think it is exciting to look at this, get fired up about making education better for the students.

I thank you all for your help and support so far during the year. I am really enjoying the class they are all individuals and all have heaps to bring to the table.

