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Friday 12 April 2013

Wow time does really fly.

Hi there all.

Wow there were some amazing cupcakes made!! Everybody did really well and Mrs Bruce chose Ethan and his hamburger as first, Rhys and his pirate cake as second and everybody else got 3rd. Well done all. A big Hmmmmm to Jack and Rhys who tried to eat and finish my 'homemade from many ingredients cupcake. I was an ice-cream cupcake, with huge amounts of butter icing for ice cream.I'm not sure if they ate it all but they gave it a good go. A big thanks to the parents as this task was quite in depth with accurate skills needed with maths, reading, ICT and lots of creativity.

We have been really busy at school. At the moment we are finishing off our Murals form the myth 'The Minotaur'. Everybody has worked well with some outstanding results.  There is a range of techniques and styles shown.

Readers Theatre has been an interesting learning process with the students choosing their myths and then having to re write them into a Readers Theatre. A wide range of myths have been chosen which will make for an interesting presentation session during the last week.

Summer tournament went well with the numbers continuing to drop. I must give 'big ups!' to our students as they behaved very well during the day and performed to a high standard. Even if there was cheating during the lunchtime game!!

The last three weeks have been great but really mucky due to the Easter break, but the students have needed it as a 12 week term is really long and they can get scratchy (as those who used to have 3 term school years would remember).

Book week came to and end today with the Book character dress up being really well supported. The class looked great and you can see this on the students blog

The book quiz was really well supported with many questions and lots of answers. Some were strange and some were really correct. Well done to Ben, Cole, Tom and Blake who came first with 21 out of 30 correct. Check the questions out here and see how you would do.

An exciting Friday night is ahead of us with Gleniti teams playing their first games of hockey. These are grading games to sort into grades. So you can't read a lot into the results. After the holidays is when the competition really starts. I can't wait!

We have a plan for next term which will see us mentoring the children through their own inquiry regarding the sea. I say mentoring due to the fact we will be using a variation of the  SOLE model as per the TED speaker in the last Blog. It should be interesting to see the results and how they work. We hope the students will make this inquiry part of their Science Fair to reduce the stress and see them really develop full and understood science investigations.

A rough idea of Term 2 is

Week 1-
Tune In to Sea
TGHS visit

Week 2
Gleniti Sea Week

Week 3
Visiting Artist
Visiting Artist

Week 4
Young leaders in Dunedin
Debbie Eddington discussing ECAN requirements for Science fair
Teacher Only Day

Week 5
Queens Birthday
Life Ed

Week 6
Life Ed
South Canterbury Cross Country

Week 8
Waimataitai Sports exchange

Week 10
Inquiry presentation to parents.

Hope you all have a good weekend.

Some exciting news next week...
