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Sunday 29 July 2012

Week 3

Hi there all,

The Olympics are well and truly underway. I love my sport and it is strange and great how I find myself watching all these different sports which I usually wouldn't worry about, and a lot of the time New Zealand isn't even competing. This morning I found myself wincing when the Thailand girl wrenched her elbow in the weightlifting and yelling at the TV for the Australians to hold on win the 4 x 100 swimming relay.

We have had some interesting discussions in the class about the Olympics on such topics as:

                                  Drugs at the games- Would you take them to win?
                                  Should they be open to those who are not up to standard- Nigerian rower?
                                  What would you give up to participate in them?

This week at school we have Tuesday and Wednesday being short days due to teacher interviews.
We will be finishing at 2.00pm.

The school will be having an Olympic day on the 9th of August (Thursday, Week 4). The school will be split into groups and take part in events at the SBS centre from after lunch. More details will come home an Friday.

Once again if anything comes up please contact me early so we can sort out the problem early.


NB* If you want to know when I post a new blog you can set up an GOOGLE ALERT which will e-mail you directly when I post,  rather than you looking and hoping.

Friday 27 July 2012

A couple of things...

Don't forget the parent interviews are next Tuesday and Wednesday. If you can't find a time to suit please contact me so we can organise a time. Please try and have you child there as it is their education we are discussing and their input is vital.

The class has earned a 'Reward Afternoon'. This will happen next  Thursday (2nd August). The children are allowed mufti for the day, electronic games (afternoon only) and they have organised what they will bring in the way of food and drink.

Short and sweet at the moment.


Sunday 22 July 2012

Reporting in...

Hi there all. Week 1 has been and gone. It is great to see all the students back and mostly on task. Some take a few more days to switch back into school/classroom mode but by the end of the week we were back on track.

Science Enrichment began on Tuesday with positive feedback given by the students after their sessions. The first practical session is always a bit messy with the timing and facitilies but from now on it will be smooth sailing. 

On Friday we went down to the camp where we will be staying. It is well laid out and well set up. What I will say now and many times before we go. The children will need lots of warm clothing. It is Dunedin in the 3rd day of Spring so it could be very cold. There will be more lots more correspondance later but if you have any questions feel free to contact me at school.

We have student, parent, teacher interviews in Week Three (Tuesday & Wednesday). Steve has set up the system and will send you the passwords and information next week. These interviews will involve your child talking about their good results, not so good results, relationships, work ethic etc. I see these interviews as very helpful and insightful.

If you can't make the interview times feel free to contact me and we will make other arrangements.

Mrs Best will be taking the class on Wednesday (for 4 weeks) due to Mr Smith being laid low after an operation.

On Wednesday and Thursday the houses will do battle once again. This time it is in the field of General Knowledge. There will be about 90 questions over two lunchtimes to find the champions of 2012. Once the quiz is over and marked I will put the questions here to see how you would go. The topics of the questions are Art and Literature, Geography and Travel, Sport and Leisure, History and Politics, Entertainment, and Science and Nature. Hopefully (depending on time) we will have at least one more interhouse competition. It could be soccer or netball.


Wednesday 18 July 2012

TERM 3 2012

Hi there all,
Welcome back to you all. I hope you all had good holidays.
I thought a quick run down of the term is in order.
We start with with the Olympics. This will be taught under the Inquiry  Social Science Model. At the moment it is the Tuning In stage so in class they are learning about them, the stories, the problems and the history. After this stage they will be developing their own personal questions. We will finish this topic  at the end of Week 4, when the Olympics stop. You Tube is a fantastic Olympic resource to use and discuss. I have attached a video we looked at in class as part of a "What do the Olympics mean?" discussion.

As part of the Olympics we have an Olympic Day at school. More information will be provided as it comes to light.

Weeks 5/6/7 will see us tackle Puberty. This is always interesting through the conservations and giggles. Before we start this topic I will be sending out information so you are well informed about what will be covered.

Of course in Week 8 we are off to Dunedin on our camp. Planning is well underway with activities being booked, transport being organised and camps being visited. It should be a great week. With lots of fun had by all. As with other topics you will b getting more information the closer we get to the date.

Winter Tournament practice has begun today for the tournament on September 18th. We are offering Soccer, Hockey, Netball and Rugby (thanks to the Rugby Union).

First football run for winter tournament

Getting set for the first hockey practice of the term.

The final topic this term will be Life Skills (the old DARE course) . It is run by the Police with Keri Brown coming in to take us.

Enrichment this term is very interesting as we are involving all the Year 7 & 8's in a scientific experimentation programme. This will see them visit Mrs Franklyn one a week for 5 weeks to undertake experiments. It is a great chance for them to enhance their skills and really enjoy science.

Don't forget Week 3 (Tuesday and Wednesday) is parent, teacher, student interviews. The booking site is not up yet but you will be given plenty of notice. If you can't come during this time, just contact me and we will sort something out. I encourage the students to be there as it is their education. It will be a student involved interview not a student led interview.

That's all for now.
But as always if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me.
