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Sunday 29 July 2012

Week 3

Hi there all,

The Olympics are well and truly underway. I love my sport and it is strange and great how I find myself watching all these different sports which I usually wouldn't worry about, and a lot of the time New Zealand isn't even competing. This morning I found myself wincing when the Thailand girl wrenched her elbow in the weightlifting and yelling at the TV for the Australians to hold on win the 4 x 100 swimming relay.

We have had some interesting discussions in the class about the Olympics on such topics as:

                                  Drugs at the games- Would you take them to win?
                                  Should they be open to those who are not up to standard- Nigerian rower?
                                  What would you give up to participate in them?

This week at school we have Tuesday and Wednesday being short days due to teacher interviews.
We will be finishing at 2.00pm.

The school will be having an Olympic day on the 9th of August (Thursday, Week 4). The school will be split into groups and take part in events at the SBS centre from after lunch. More details will come home an Friday.

Once again if anything comes up please contact me early so we can sort out the problem early.


NB* If you want to know when I post a new blog you can set up an GOOGLE ALERT which will e-mail you directly when I post,  rather than you looking and hoping.


Anonymous said...

Mr Brown watch this video

Anonymous said...

haha lol :)

Anonymous said...

who said haha lol

Anonymous said...

Very cool. It is true Hockey players are the toughest and the best looking.