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Tuesday 28 August 2012

Week 6.....Done!

Hi there all,
This week has begun very well. We had Linda Merillies (district health nurse) come in on Monday and talk to the girls for an hour and 40 minutes about puberty, the changes and many other things. I do not and do not want to know what they discussed and what questions were asked. this was their time to ask a neutral well informed professional all those tough questions. the boys had a session for an hour today. Linda said both groups listened well and were interested. she also mentioned the boys were mature.

Today we discussed the camp timetable and other certain activities. All were interested in what we  are going to do.

Monday am Travel
Monday pm Camp walk free time

Tuesday am Larnach Castle
Tuesday pm Olveston House/Baldwin Street
Tuesday eve Moana Pool

Wednesday am Museum
Wednesday pm Aquarium
Wednesday eve 10 Pin Bowling

Thursday am Sports Hall of fame
Thursday pm Art Gallery/Forsyth Barr Tour
Thursday eve Campsite (solo, spotlight....)

Friday am Pack up/leave
Friday pm Arrive at school @ 2.00ish

Everybody has their bunk rooms and responsibility groups. They will each get a turn at Prepping/ cooking/cleaning up Breakfast, Lunch and dinner and they will have a turn at cleaning the grounds and toilets.

A couple of things I am letting the students do relates very much to trust. The first is that they will be given free time to explore the grounds on Monday. They will be on their own with a few guidelines. The second thing is the Solo. this is where they are placed in the bush by themselves at night to sit for  a time to listen think, conquer fear etc... in the past i have found it a positive task with many stories being told.

The rest of the week will see us go over the menu and a few other relevant details.

Just a note about i-pods, cell phones etc... they are allowed to take them (IT IS NOT COMPULSORY TO HAVE THEM) due to the fact they are their cameras. On camp they will be collected at night. Again trust is high that they hand in the phones when asked and follow instructions. Also, they are responsible for their devices if they lose it, drop it etc they need only look at themselves

Camp Night Sing Song Maybe???

A big thank you to Gillian Rodgers, Danny Sisson, Jan Gibbs and Paula Atwill who have given up their week to spend it with us.

More information will come out later.



Anonymous said...

C.A.M.P.F.I.R.E.S.O.N.G :p

Anonymous said...

hello mr brown i see u

Anonymous said...

Hello people

Anonymous said...

just starting homework whoop whoop :/