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Saturday 13 July 2013

Term 3 ... have a look and hang on this is a full on 9 weeks

Hi there all,


A quick run down of what's coming up.

Week 1: Ice skating, skiing, (thanks to all the parents who have volunteered to help us)
              Year 7 science group at Mountainview

Week 2: Ice skating, skiing postponement day.
               Year 7 science group at Mountainview

Week 3: National Monitoring Study (Selected Year 8)
              Year 7 science group at Mountainview
              Parent / Teacher Interviews

Week 4: Year 7 science group at Mountainview

Week 5: Year 7 science group at Mountainview
               Year 7/8 Science Fair at Gleniti

Week 6: Year 7 science group at Mountainview

Week 7: Sanford Science Fair

Week 8: Panto Pandemonium

Week 9: South Canterbury Holiday
              South Canterbury Yr 7/8 Speech Competition

As you can read there are some huge highlights which are going to take a lot of work to make them great. SCIENCE FAIR, SPEECHES, PANTO PANDEMONIUM.

With the SCIENCE FAIR...If you need information about what you should be doing, and how you you should be doing it please go to the official site.

Science Fair Information

Hope you all have a great holiday and I'll see you back in Term 3.

Friday 14 June 2013

Term 2 is 6 weeks done...WOW!!

Hi there

Wow, has the time flown or what?

We are still in contact with our penpals in Bonaly School- Edinburgh. They have a different year and are finishing soon. I am in the steps of seeing if we can organise a time when we can Skype each other. Obviously the 11 hour difference will be a consideration. Will we have to be at school earlier or come back in the evening. Going on how some tell me of their morning routines and how they arrive at school, evening may be better. Once I know more I'll let you know. This has been a worthwhile activity and hopefully they stay in contact.

WELL DONE! To all our runners. They gave it heaps at our school and then the South Canterbury event. It was great to see them all running really hard and giving it their all, (even is some decided to tip toe around the puddles, rather than going through them). Well done Jack on finally getting that elusive first place. I must also thank the runners who after a super effort during the day had to play hockey for The Mavericks in the evening. A tough ask but none moaned and all got in and displayed the "5 S's".

I am busy writing reports. They will be out at the end of the term.

In relation to the school topic of "The Sea" we had a day at the beach on Wednesday. First up thanks to all the parents who came along, water and fire determined we needed good numbers. Your help is always very welcome and never taken for granted. It was a cool afternoon with plenty of rubbish picked up, lots of stories told, no injuries and a great atmosphere. We got about 20 bags of rubbish from the beach which, honestly, I thought was not as much as it could have been. At the end we had fires lit so to roast marsh mellows and anything else that they had. Lots of fun with plenty of marsh mellows and chocolate thins not making it out of the fire. The sea itself gave plenty of opportunity for the kids to play with  came waves and all that cool stuff. Mr Z came along, took photos and then made this video about the trip.

Year 7/8 at the Beach

Our SOLE inquiry continues on with the students at various points. Some are starting to work on their presentations, while others are still researching their big questions. I really like the dedication they have and the knowledge they bring when we talk and I challenge them on points or information. It is great if they can put a factual argument across logically. We will be presenting these during the last week of the term.

We have a couple of events outside the school coming up with the Ski/Skate day and the Waimataitai exchange. It is great to have these events and it give the students to participate in different activities and play to win against other schools. At the moment we do not have coaches for the football and the rugby teams and sadly we do not have enough staff to cover these, so if you are available please get in contact. If we don't get coaches they won't be involved.

Well there you have it. We have been up to plenty, with plenty to come./


Sunday 2 June 2013

2013 Musical Cast List

Well done to all...
Just a few to be announced.

Cast List:
John                           Tom Kerr

Alison                       Taylor Marr

Martin                       Ben Deeley

Sara                           Bridey Flynn

Wicked Witch            Emma Brown

Good Fairy              Georgia Carnegie

Spotty                      Hannah Konings

Grotty                      Hamish Chambers

Boo                           Alec Whitticase

Hiss                           Grace Waller

Moo                           Lily Rae

Tail                           Brooke Vaughn

Jackie                      Annabel Sandri

Giant                       Nic Manson

Seven Dwarfs       Ayla Preston, Thomas Valentine,
                                William Valentine, Carly Powell,
                                Isaac Davies, Blake McLellan, TBA

Cinderella             Lucy Hogan

Magnolia              Jack Gibbs

Apple White        Guest Performer

Aladdin               Blake Woods

Audience/Chorus      TBA

Extra Baddies:           TBA

Child:                           TBA

Friday 24 May 2013

Week 3 of term 2 2013

Afternoon all,

It has been a very exciting of weeks with lots happening. Our inquiry has started with the kids allowed to work in any class with however they like. Some very cool enquiries are being carried out, such as How did the Meta... (huge shark) change into the great white of today, what makes the sea salty, how much pollution is in the fish of Carolyn Bay. etc...
Some are finding it more frustrating than others with the Self Organised Learning Environment they are having. Some really cool trips that are being planned  by the kids in class time like fishing, videoing, visiting ECAN. I really encourage the parents to ask what is happening at school and discuss what they have learnt and what they want to learn.

Our class has been running hard to practice for the cross country. We have been doing fitness all year (which they all love) but now we have just picked up the fitness for the race. It is really pleasing to see that some go for really good runs at the weekends and after school.

I had a chat to the class the other day about running and other things. I discussed with them that we all have our strengths and weaknesses and we need to embrace our strengths and improve our weaknesses. This was in relation to the cross country with those who are good runners and enjoy the cross country should be trying to win. They should be aiming for first. Those who find cross country a challenge should be they try their absolute best, run their hardest and achieve their potential.

I celebrate winners and I also celebrate those who 'bust their guts' doing their best. It would be fantastic to see as many parents as possible their on the day to cheer everybody on.

Next week we have Debbie Eddington (ECAN) in class to talk about the Science fair in term 3. She will be inferring to the kids which ways their Science fairs should go if they want to keep relevant with the ideas  of the ECAN and the judges. If the kids listen well they their Science Fair projects should be easier to choose and give them a better chance of success.

Good luck to the Young leaders who are going to Dunedin on Monday. It should be a great day. A nice early start.

As the class has been working so well they can have the Friday 31st of May and then Monday 3rd June off. Enjoy the long weekend!

Well done to Grace Waller and Lily Rae who reported back to the board what the Year 7's have been up to at Mountainview High School. They did an excellent job in front of them. it was clear, informative  and really interesting. Mr Z taped them and made the presentation into a video. have a look.

Grace and Lily (sorry the clip would not copy here)

In the class we have been trialling BYOD. It has been really good to have the kids work with technology to enhance their learning. To get a better understanding of what BYOD is and why we feel it is valuable have a look at the video below.

Hope you have a good Queens Birthday break.


PS. I'm looking forward to this weeks homework reports.

Friday 10 May 2013

Week one Term 2

Hi there,

Well the first week has ended with the students off to Technology. It has been a good start to the term with only a few grumbles due to everybody settling into the school routine again.

This week we have started our inquiry with a Tune In week. This has been a lot of talking, discussing, viewing and thinking. We have watched a few TED videos on peoples opinions of the sea and its state and what can and should be done to fix it. It is quite scary seeing what we have done to the sea and what some say we do to fix or not fix it.

Have a look below at a couple of the videos. What do you think?

Wow! Very interesting. What do you think of his final thoughts?

Real photos which do give you some things to think about.
The conversations have been really thoughtful and I am a little bit embarrassed to be one of the few non reusable grocery bag uses in the class. Well done to you!!

Next week we will be staring the inquiry part of the process. This will be a lot more students leading their own learning. It is going to be an open class process based loosely on SOLE. See last blogs video. It is going to mean we as teachers are onto it, with tracking of groups their questions and what process they are up to. They will be presenting their findings during week 10 this term.

WE ARE PUTTING ON A YEAR 7/8 MUSICAL IN TERM 3 (dates TBC). This is a huge but a fantastic opportunity. EVERYBODY will involved with some aspect of the production. Huge amounts of work but it is a great thing. To that end you will be getting notes home seeking help. Don't be shy in coming forward.

Well that's all this week.
Looking forward to the rest of the term


Friday 12 April 2013

Wow time does really fly.

Hi there all.

Wow there were some amazing cupcakes made!! Everybody did really well and Mrs Bruce chose Ethan and his hamburger as first, Rhys and his pirate cake as second and everybody else got 3rd. Well done all. A big Hmmmmm to Jack and Rhys who tried to eat and finish my 'homemade from many ingredients cupcake. I was an ice-cream cupcake, with huge amounts of butter icing for ice cream.I'm not sure if they ate it all but they gave it a good go. A big thanks to the parents as this task was quite in depth with accurate skills needed with maths, reading, ICT and lots of creativity.

We have been really busy at school. At the moment we are finishing off our Murals form the myth 'The Minotaur'. Everybody has worked well with some outstanding results.  There is a range of techniques and styles shown.

Readers Theatre has been an interesting learning process with the students choosing their myths and then having to re write them into a Readers Theatre. A wide range of myths have been chosen which will make for an interesting presentation session during the last week.

Summer tournament went well with the numbers continuing to drop. I must give 'big ups!' to our students as they behaved very well during the day and performed to a high standard. Even if there was cheating during the lunchtime game!!

The last three weeks have been great but really mucky due to the Easter break, but the students have needed it as a 12 week term is really long and they can get scratchy (as those who used to have 3 term school years would remember).

Book week came to and end today with the Book character dress up being really well supported. The class looked great and you can see this on the students blog

The book quiz was really well supported with many questions and lots of answers. Some were strange and some were really correct. Well done to Ben, Cole, Tom and Blake who came first with 21 out of 30 correct. Check the questions out here and see how you would do.

An exciting Friday night is ahead of us with Gleniti teams playing their first games of hockey. These are grading games to sort into grades. So you can't read a lot into the results. After the holidays is when the competition really starts. I can't wait!

We have a plan for next term which will see us mentoring the children through their own inquiry regarding the sea. I say mentoring due to the fact we will be using a variation of the  SOLE model as per the TED speaker in the last Blog. It should be interesting to see the results and how they work. We hope the students will make this inquiry part of their Science Fair to reduce the stress and see them really develop full and understood science investigations.

A rough idea of Term 2 is

Week 1-
Tune In to Sea
TGHS visit

Week 2
Gleniti Sea Week

Week 3
Visiting Artist
Visiting Artist

Week 4
Young leaders in Dunedin
Debbie Eddington discussing ECAN requirements for Science fair
Teacher Only Day

Week 5
Queens Birthday
Life Ed

Week 6
Life Ed
South Canterbury Cross Country

Week 8
Waimataitai Sports exchange

Week 10
Inquiry presentation to parents.

Hope you all have a good weekend.

Some exciting news next week...


Monday 18 March 2013

It has been a while.

Hi there all as the title says it has been a while since I typed on the blog.

The year 7's have started the Forensic science course at Mountain View High school. It is really exciting as they have to work their own CSI crime scene and come up with all the facts and details. Mrs L (previously Mrs D) and  half of my class are doing it this time. With Mrs Hinton and the other half of my class completing the course in term 3.

Sailing has been and gone. It was great to see the students out ands about on the bay trying their hand at something new. Sadly I missed  my second day due to a flu but they still had a great time. There were some great efforts with the ones who actually tried to sail rather than pumping the rudder having more fun in the afternoon. I can assure you that we had all the safety gear and the wetsuits did the job. I jumped in to check them out so the children felt safe. (On purpose of course, there was a rumour I may have fallen in.)

Jack, William, Ethan have competed in the South Canterbury triathlon with them all doing well. Especially Jack who was (eventually and rightly so)given first after being miles in front and got sent on another lap by a marshall. Our class has also sent teams to the Police Training Fitness Competition and the Opihi Mountain Biking competition. These saw results very positive with a first again at the Mountain Biking and a 4th at the Police Course. It is fantastic that these people enjoy competing and enjoy winning graciously and sometimes not winning with style.

Swimming Sports are coming up on APRIL 3rd (the first Wednesday after the Easter Break) .  As we are at C Bay and it is our first run here the teachers in charge of the day have decided that the swimmers will only be in widths or lengths. This is due to two pools, money and time. After the day an evaluation will occur and we will see how to improve it. I realise the pool is quite deep. The races will be from deep to shallow and so I encourage if at all possible everyone does the length (25m) races. Memories not Dreams!

We continue to sing at our Team meetings with these songs going to be  moved to the assembly to be sung with the school. I am really impressed with the quality as I know there are many different levels and abilities of singers.  But any singing is good singing.

The Gleniti fair was held last Saturday and it was a really great 3 hours. It ran really smoothly thanks to the adults and the students all pitching and working towards one common goal. Our Candy Floss and Knock em Down really went well with it being busy and sold out by the end.


We had a meeting and today and looking forward to next term I found this talk by a man with a very interesting idea of how education should/could be. The first few minutes really ring true regarding the Victorian Age. Have a look and see what you think. I think it is exciting to look at this, get fired up about making education better for the students.

I thank you all for your help and support so far during the year. I am really enjoying the class they are all individuals and all have heaps to bring to the table.



Friday 22 February 2013

Leaders of 2012 video

Have a look at this. It is our leaders for the year. Mr Z went round and produced it. Well done all!

Leaders of Gleniti School



Tuesday 19 February 2013

Hi there all it is Week 3 already.

Today we had the boys down at Ashbury Park playing cricket. The first  game went well and they beat Highfield quite easily. This meant we had a game against Bluestone in the afternoon. The boys went in confident. But what happened was train wreck! We were bowled out in the 5over of 20with the score at 10. As you can understand the game was done and dusted very quickly. So at 4.00pm we were back at school for a long intense practice. It seemed to go well but we won't really know for sure until we play Beaconsfield on Wednesday morning.

We are currently in the staff meeting learning and developing our skills with the new tablets that have been purchased. Very exciting times that will see new skills and a world of possibilities being opened. The students are going to love these, (and no doubt will be teaching us a few things as we go along.) They are Acer tablets and they are running Windows 8.... back to the meeting.

Saturday 16 February 2013

Homework comments

Hi there all.
Could you post your comments here (with you name). Cheers.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Week Two information and comments here please.

Hey there everyone,

Thanks to those who have left comments about this weeks homework, interesting points.

This week we have the boys training for the cricket games with the girls team to be selected on Friday. The boys are doing alright with lots of natural talent being shown as a willingness to listen and learn.

We have begun testing the students. This testing cover reading, spelling, maths and science. We look at the tests as a guide to each of their abilities. It is a snapshot at that moment and although it is a good guide I relaise that things happen that can affect their concentration, thoughts and answers.

Notices will be coming out soon about the PCT day, sailing and cricket. Lots of things happening.

i have talked t the students about communication and how that is so vital to them achieving their best. We all need to talk, ask, comment earlier rather than later so everyone achieves. If anyone comes home with no idea of what should be happening please contact me so I can help them.

Everyone has been working on their Personal Stuff presentations and I am really amazed about the range of presentation ideas. It is great to see them think outside the square!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend.


Wednesday 30 January 2013

First Day 2013- Please comment here for homework

Hi there,
The first day has come and gone. (So far so good!)

Today was a bit of a chat, establishing routines, setting expectations, setting homework and talking about the term, etc.
What I have attached is a timetable for the Year 7/8 team. So you can always keep up to date with what is going on.

Any questions or comments please feel free to pop in. e-mail or ring me.


Tuesday 22 January 2013

Buddy Class Information

Hi there,
Last year I made contact with a few schools and through that process we have a buddy class at Bonaley School in Edinburgh. We will be sending videos, letters etc. back and forth during the year. This is a great chance to see how students of the same age are similiar and different, in another country. How schools are same/different, sports, music, teachers etc.

One of our first efforts was a video made by Laura and Taylah introducing Gleniti. Have a look at



Monday 21 January 2013

2013 Ready Set....

Hi there all,

First blog for 2013.

I hope everyone had a great and safe  holiday. I had a cool time with my family not doing much, but having a great time.

Miss Lucy Dodgeson is the new teacher in Room 13. She is very musical and plays that wonderful sport of hockey.

Term 1 is planned both curriculum and extra curriculum wise. It looks very exciting and fully packed. More details will follow.

I hope to catch up with you all around school and at the first meeting.


PS: The blog photo will be changed after a replacement is taken early on.