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Saturday 16 February 2013

Homework comments

Hi there all.
Could you post your comments here (with you name). Cheers.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mr Brown
*Henry the VIII had 6 wives and 3 kids 2 girls and 1 boy
*Henry built englands navy
*Henry buit a boat and called it Great Henry it could hold up to 700 men at a time
*Henry wore clothes with jewels sewn onto them

Anonymous said...

Gerard the giraffe is the house and she says that camels have 8 eyelids. Just kidding hahaha they only gave 3 teehee tricked ya!

Anonymous said...

What the.... ^^^ ?????

Anonymous said...

1. Henry's last name was Tudor
2. he played the harp and lute
3. he played tennis
4. there is a rhyme to go with his six wives " devorced, beheaded, died, devorced, beheaded, survived."

go sloths

Anonymous said...

Um Henry liked horse riding jousting and archery
He had six wives
His clothes had jewels sewn into them
He built a ship for the navy because he was annoyed that Scotland made a bigger one
Annabel :)

Anonymous said...

Henry hag 6 wives
Henry was born in 1491
Henry died in 1547
Henry's last name was Tudor

Unknown said...

Hi any1 who reads this

Henry's older brother Arthur died in 1502
He liked music, and played the lute and harp
Henry ate swan and peacock
Queen Elizabeth I was Henry's daughter

Anonymous said...

1. Henry had 6 wives
2. Herny became king in 1509
3. Henry died in 1547
4. Henry son was king for 6 yrs before he died. Isaac:-)

Anonymous said...

*He had 6 wives
*His son became king at 9 years old
*He was king
*He was rich


P.S Damn you Google I'm not a freaking robot!?

it is cole said...

Hi its cole

henry liked riding horses and archery.

henry had 3 girls and 1 boy.

henry had 6 wifes.

and his last name was tudor.
<(") penguin

ben said...

hey mr brown,
henry had six wives,
he played the harp and lute,
henry becames king in 1509,
he died in 1547,
he bulit a boat that could hold 700 men at a time.