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Friday 22 February 2013

Leaders of 2012 video

Have a look at this. It is our leaders for the year. Mr Z went round and produced it. Well done all!

Leaders of Gleniti School



Tuesday 19 February 2013

Hi there all it is Week 3 already.

Today we had the boys down at Ashbury Park playing cricket. The first  game went well and they beat Highfield quite easily. This meant we had a game against Bluestone in the afternoon. The boys went in confident. But what happened was train wreck! We were bowled out in the 5over of 20with the score at 10. As you can understand the game was done and dusted very quickly. So at 4.00pm we were back at school for a long intense practice. It seemed to go well but we won't really know for sure until we play Beaconsfield on Wednesday morning.

We are currently in the staff meeting learning and developing our skills with the new tablets that have been purchased. Very exciting times that will see new skills and a world of possibilities being opened. The students are going to love these, (and no doubt will be teaching us a few things as we go along.) They are Acer tablets and they are running Windows 8.... back to the meeting.

Saturday 16 February 2013

Homework comments

Hi there all.
Could you post your comments here (with you name). Cheers.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Week Two information and comments here please.

Hey there everyone,

Thanks to those who have left comments about this weeks homework, interesting points.

This week we have the boys training for the cricket games with the girls team to be selected on Friday. The boys are doing alright with lots of natural talent being shown as a willingness to listen and learn.

We have begun testing the students. This testing cover reading, spelling, maths and science. We look at the tests as a guide to each of their abilities. It is a snapshot at that moment and although it is a good guide I relaise that things happen that can affect their concentration, thoughts and answers.

Notices will be coming out soon about the PCT day, sailing and cricket. Lots of things happening.

i have talked t the students about communication and how that is so vital to them achieving their best. We all need to talk, ask, comment earlier rather than later so everyone achieves. If anyone comes home with no idea of what should be happening please contact me so I can help them.

Everyone has been working on their Personal Stuff presentations and I am really amazed about the range of presentation ideas. It is great to see them think outside the square!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
