Term three is done and dusted.
It has been a very busy term with it being a little disjointed due to camp and all the activities. Just a quick reminder of what we have done...
Science Enrichment
SPCA talk with Norm Hewitt
Winter Tournament
Life Skills Topic
Puberty Topic
Report writing Topic
Gleniti Olympic Day
Olympic Inquiry Topic
Visiting Artist- Rhythm Drummers
Assembly Presentations
This list is only the at school things. Many of the students have had instruments to learn , sport(s) to play and all sorts of other 'things'.
So a big "NICE JOB!!" to the class.
Monday was a great day at school everything went well and the students were all very quiet and focussed.
We have ended the term with Keri Brown finishing her sessions with the class. This week she discussed "Keeping Safe" and then using at real life examples to get the students thinking closely about what options they would have and how would they do it. Peer Pressure was discussed and how to be assertive and not aggressive and finally the cyber world and all those hazards were covered. Again rel life examples were used and the students could see how things develop and how situations can get out of hand very quickly. I feel it has been benificial and please ask your child about the programme if you want to know what they got out of it.
Mrs Best spent her last Wednesday Release day with the class as Mr Smith has had his operation and will be 'back on deck' from the first Wednesday.
I have played a bit with the Blog look. Not sure about it but we will see how it goes.
On Wednesday Mrs Annett, Mrs Hinton and myself had a planning morning for next term. It looks exciting and busy (when is a term not busy??). We will be making Kites, looking at Picture Books in depth, having photos, a gala day, a walkathon, a LIP SYNC, etc...At the start of next term I will Blog and send out a term run down so we can all keep up with the play.
You will start getting letters from the High Schools relating to exams, visits, interviews, meetings, etc.. We get most of that information but please keep us informed if your child is going to be away from school.
The last term is especially special for the Year 8's so I really ask that you (as I will) remind them that they want to leave Gleniti with 'memories and not dreams'.
Hope you all have a restful and safe hoilday.
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