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Tuesday, 11 December 2012

So far...

As the term rapidly comes to an end I thought I'd recap on where we are up to.

 This week we have prizegining practice on Wednesday at the SBS centre. Where we will rehearse our performance of Grease Lightning and how to walk across the stage, recieve prizes etc... In the afternoon the class will be taking all the work of the walls and putting it into envelopes to take home. The students know that ALL the work goes home and if they want to dispose of it... it is done from home.

Wednesday night is the Prize giving. This should be a concise and entertaining event. My condratulations to the ones who recieve prizes and to the ones who did their best throughout the year. The house leaderswill be presented their badges for 2013 which is great to see their and their parents faces. (Just to remind you NO student knows who is getting what prize or house leader responsibility, this is not rehearsed.)

Thursday thery students can come at 10.00am if they/you wish. School will be as normal so they can come anytime they want (before 10.00am). 6 Boys have offered to help the sound man to clean/break down the gear on Thursday morning at 8.30. A great gesture.

Friday is the last day of Technology. They will have some very cool things to bring home.
The class is as settled as can be with Year 8's itching to move on as well as being nervous, Year 7's being nervous about being Year 8's and also wondering what will happen when their friends leave. They are all good kids!

The reward morning is next Monday (17th December ) at TBHS. They have kindly let us use their pool, grouns and gym. It is a reward for those who have worked hard this year and have nade good choices. I see the morning being quite relaxed, but of course their will be guidelines due to we are using another schools resources. They need their togs, drink, lunch and morning tea.

On Monday evening will be the Year 8 dinner. A cool event run by the PTA. A good night should ensue.



To the year 8's....

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