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Friday 29 June 2012

End of Term

What a full on term, which ended with a full on Week 10.

Tuesday saw us play against Waimataitai. The results were: Gleniti won the Soccer 5-2, Netball A 24-4 and Basketball 24-22. Waimataitai won the Rugby, Netball B and the Hockey. Which means an evenly shared or drawn exchange. The great thing is that they and we want to do it again next year, with them hosting and a trophy for the winning school. Something to definitely to look forward to.

Wednesday afternoon saw Mr Gill's final assembly. The class performed admirably whether it was sitting and listening to the speakers, singing the songs, performing with Kapa Haka, performing with 'Dear Rudiger' or helping me set up the hall. It is at times like this that you really see the character and maturity of a person and whether they can 'step up' to the task or fall by the wayside. Unfortunately the power was one thing that we cannot control. The first power cut shortened the slide show just at the wrong time, with the most popular slide coming up.

Wednesday evening saw the Year 7&8 Spelling teams compete at the Central South Island Competition. Just fewer than 50 teams entered from Rakaia through to Oamaru. There were some challenging words, questions and activities. At the half way point our A team was first equal with 3 other schools, but after a great 8th round (guess and spell a word with as few clues as possible) they were on top and continued to hold their nerve to the end. The A Team came out on top with a score of 96 out of a 100. Our B team got 14th with a fine score of 85. Well done to both teams.

Our 7&8 enrichment programme wound up with the students learning two songs as a group. 'Puff the Magic Dragon' which they performed at Mr Gill's assembly and 'Doe Ray Me' which they performed at a school assembly. The group also performed on the last Tuesday (playing and singing) as soloists. They did very well, because as you know performing to your peers is the toughest audience. We had songs from 'Somewhere over the Rainbow' to 'You can count on Me' to 'In the Jungle' to 'Hallelujah'.
All have come a long way and it would be good if it could keep going.

Thursday was normal!

Friday they students handed in their reports and I look forward to reading them and finding out what they think. One student said he/she found it quite challenging and sort of strange he/she had to do it. I explained it like this... 'imagine you were playing a sport. During your game you are playing hard doing your best, making choices and trying things out. After your game you sit down and really look at what you were doing and reflect on your performance and see where you can improve. What choices were good and so will keep with those, what choices were not so good and how can you improve them, what are your really good skills and how can you make them better or what skills are lacking a little so you really need to work on them.' So the report is a time for reflection and evaluation to see where you are doing well and where you can improve.

Next term has been planned and it is very exciting with the Olympics, camp, enrichment and etc... (more details to come next term). Enrichment will see all the students undertake hands on scientific experimentation programme. It should be fun and be a great time for leaning about reactions and chemicals.

I hope you all have a safe and relaxing holiday and I will see you at parent interviews early in the term.


The Room 14 spellers from Gleniti A and Gleniti B

Room 14 listening to Mr Gill on his last day.


Anonymous said...

cute laura :)

Anonymous said...

i want some friends :(

Anonymous said...

what is tom doing in the first photo??? look at his face(: