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Tuesday 5 June 2012

Hello to you all...

Week seven has dawned on us and with the end in sight things are getting interesting. This week for homework I have written the draft for the students which they are to edit and then hand back as a final, perfect piece of writing. I am really looking for them to edit with a close and critical eye so to make the changes that are needed. Not just do a quick "that'll be right job". We have Life Education with the programme for us being "Making Chocies". This will give the students opportunities to learn or think about the choices they make and the consequences of those choices (good and bad). We have three sessions of this Wednesday, Thursday and Monday.

The novel study is due on the 14th June and so next week the students will be putting the finishing touches on their report.

I have sent home today some letters asking for parent help to coach some teams for the Waimataitai interschool. We need 6 parents for the teams. If you can help please send the note back.

Have a good week.


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