Hi there all,
This time of year is CRAZY! We all know it is coming, we can see it, we have planned for it, but it is still CRAZY! Recently a line from one of the best rock groups ever came to mind that seems to sum up the second half of the term "Running to stand still".
The prize giving on Tuesday .... no Wednesday was a great chance to celebrate and show off skills. Each team did really well. It was great to see all of the Year 7/8 team on stage dancing to Greased Lighting. They did really well due to the time frame and the space to dance in.
Huge congratulations to the Year 8 prize winners. They were all fully deserved. This year we introduced an award for the House Leaders due to their growing responsibilities. They have had a lot more to do and organise this year. Each house was lead by competent students.
Well done to the chosen 2013 House Leaders. It again will be a very busy year and they will be called on many times to 'step up', organise and lead through example. They have had seen how it can be done and it is up to them to do the same and even better.
The class has been completing their kites. There is again so much hot glue, sticks, tissue.....etc... all over the room (but it's great). Some of them have produced really good, well designed kites. One even was too strong for the string used. Bridey, Hamish, Tashana and Jordy did a very cool straw, tissue kite made up of 9 pyramids. A bit of wind will see it fly brilliantly.
Only a couple of events left to complete.
On Monday 17th December the Year 7/8's are heading to TBHS for a reward morning. This should be a nice morning. With the gym, grounds and pool being available to us. In the afternoon we are back at school, where Room 14 will be having a class treat where electronics, games and chilling out will be the order of the day.
In the evening the Year 8's will be attending their PTA Dinner. This starts at 6.30 (they need to be there by 6.15) and it will be completed by 8.30. This is a semi formal affair so everybody needs to be tidy with no scruffy jeans or shirts. There will be three speakers inspiring their young minds.
It will be nice ( I couldn't think of a better word) to again see the students out of the classroom setting.
That's all for now.
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Friday, 14 December 2012
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
So far...
As the term rapidly comes to an end I thought I'd recap on where we are up to.
This week we have prizegining practice on Wednesday at the SBS centre. Where we will rehearse our performance of Grease Lightning and how to walk across the stage, recieve prizes etc... In the afternoon the class will be taking all the work of the walls and putting it into envelopes to take home. The students know that ALL the work goes home and if they want to dispose of it... it is done from home.
Wednesday night is the Prize giving. This should be a concise and entertaining event. My condratulations to the ones who recieve prizes and to the ones who did their best throughout the year. The house leaderswill be presented their badges for 2013 which is great to see their and their parents faces. (Just to remind you NO student knows who is getting what prize or house leader responsibility, this is not rehearsed.)
Thursday thery students can come at 10.00am if they/you wish. School will be as normal so they can come anytime they want (before 10.00am). 6 Boys have offered to help the sound man to clean/break down the gear on Thursday morning at 8.30. A great gesture.
Friday is the last day of Technology. They will have some very cool things to bring home.
The class is as settled as can be with Year 8's itching to move on as well as being nervous, Year 7's being nervous about being Year 8's and also wondering what will happen when their friends leave. They are all good kids!
The reward morning is next Monday (17th December ) at TBHS. They have kindly let us use their pool, grouns and gym. It is a reward for those who have worked hard this year and have nade good choices. I see the morning being quite relaxed, but of course their will be guidelines due to we are using another schools resources. They need their togs, drink, lunch and morning tea.
On Monday evening will be the Year 8 dinner. A cool event run by the PTA. A good night should ensue.
To the year 8's....
This week we have prizegining practice on Wednesday at the SBS centre. Where we will rehearse our performance of Grease Lightning and how to walk across the stage, recieve prizes etc... In the afternoon the class will be taking all the work of the walls and putting it into envelopes to take home. The students know that ALL the work goes home and if they want to dispose of it... it is done from home.
Wednesday night is the Prize giving. This should be a concise and entertaining event. My condratulations to the ones who recieve prizes and to the ones who did their best throughout the year. The house leaderswill be presented their badges for 2013 which is great to see their and their parents faces. (Just to remind you NO student knows who is getting what prize or house leader responsibility, this is not rehearsed.)
Thursday thery students can come at 10.00am if they/you wish. School will be as normal so they can come anytime they want (before 10.00am). 6 Boys have offered to help the sound man to clean/break down the gear on Thursday morning at 8.30. A great gesture.
Friday is the last day of Technology. They will have some very cool things to bring home.
The class is as settled as can be with Year 8's itching to move on as well as being nervous, Year 7's being nervous about being Year 8's and also wondering what will happen when their friends leave. They are all good kids!
The reward morning is next Monday (17th December ) at TBHS. They have kindly let us use their pool, grouns and gym. It is a reward for those who have worked hard this year and have nade good choices. I see the morning being quite relaxed, but of course their will be guidelines due to we are using another schools resources. They need their togs, drink, lunch and morning tea.
On Monday evening will be the Year 8 dinner. A cool event run by the PTA. A good night should ensue.
To the year 8's....
Friday, 2 November 2012
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Dinner Guests
Hi there,
Homework last week was to select historical dinner guests. Some very interesting ones were chosen. Here is a selection of the people that were chosen.
Who would you have at a dinner party?
What would ask them?
Homework last week was to select historical dinner guests. Some very interesting ones were chosen. Here is a selection of the people that were chosen.
Who would you have at a dinner party?
What would ask them?
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Week 1 Term 4 2012... 10 weeks to go.
Well this week has been interesting. I have been out and about in other classes observing and talking to students. Of course time out of the class has meant I was not in class, thus the start of the term has not had the 'flow' I would have liked. Wednesday saw Colin back (after his back operation) with Rebecca Best on Thursday and Colin again on Friday. Messy, yes but we have to work around things sometimes.
A few things for the term...
Firstly many of the students will be attending High School exams ( 1st November- Roncalli, 9th November TBHS, TGHS). Please remember to tell me if and when you are away.
Secondly here is a run down of what we know is happening for the term:
Week 2
Week 3
29th November Roncalli @ Gleniti to talk to students & teachers
31st October School Photos
1st November Roncalli exams
Week 4
7th November Walkathon- PTA afternoon
9th November Mountainview, TBHS, TGHS exams morning
Week 5
12th-13th November Marg Wright @ Gleniti
14th November School Gala- afternoon (PLEASE HELP WE NEED STOCKS and A BIG ROPE)
15th November Skate/Scooter competition afternoon
15th November Lip Sync competition - evening
Week 6
20th November Gleniti Athletic Sports
22nd November visiting artist
Week 7
Week 8
4th December South Canterbury Athletics
7th Records books home
Week 9
12th December Prizegiving @ 6.30
14th December Reports go home
Week 10
17th December Year 7/8 Reward day
17th December Year 8 Dinner
As you can see a busy term at the moment even before the class has school work.
The topics we are looking at are: Picture Books
It is a very exciting term with house leaders being chosen, awards given out and the Year 8's growing up and moving on.
Have a look at this. It doesn't seem that long that I was working in DOS at High School.
See you round school.
A few things for the term...
Firstly many of the students will be attending High School exams ( 1st November- Roncalli, 9th November TBHS, TGHS). Please remember to tell me if and when you are away.
Secondly here is a run down of what we know is happening for the term:
Week 2
Week 3
29th November Roncalli @ Gleniti to talk to students & teachers
31st October School Photos
1st November Roncalli exams
Week 4
7th November Walkathon- PTA afternoon
9th November Mountainview, TBHS, TGHS exams morning
Week 5
12th-13th November Marg Wright @ Gleniti
14th November School Gala- afternoon (PLEASE HELP WE NEED STOCKS and A BIG ROPE)
15th November Skate/Scooter competition afternoon
15th November Lip Sync competition - evening
Week 6
20th November Gleniti Athletic Sports
22nd November visiting artist
Week 7
Week 8
4th December South Canterbury Athletics
7th Records books home
Week 9
12th December Prizegiving @ 6.30
14th December Reports go home
Week 10
17th December Year 7/8 Reward day
17th December Year 8 Dinner
As you can see a busy term at the moment even before the class has school work.
The topics we are looking at are: Picture Books
It is a very exciting term with house leaders being chosen, awards given out and the Year 8's growing up and moving on.
Have a look at this. It doesn't seem that long that I was working in DOS at High School.
See you round school.
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Term 4 @ Gleniti
Welcome back all have a look at this cut from a movie. It is a great movie with very relevant messages.
Have a look.
Relates to this weeks homework. I said I would invite William Wallace, Adolf Hitler, Buddah, William Shakespeare and Hannibal to dinner. As I mentioned the names their were a few blank faces. Hope this helps.
Have a look.
Friday, 28 September 2012
The term has endeth...
Term three is done and dusted.
It has been a very busy term with it being a little disjointed due to camp and all the activities. Just a quick reminder of what we have done...
Science Enrichment
SPCA talk with Norm Hewitt
Winter Tournament
Life Skills Topic
Puberty Topic
Report writing Topic
Gleniti Olympic Day
Olympic Inquiry Topic
Visiting Artist- Rhythm Drummers
Assembly Presentations
This list is only the at school things. Many of the students have had instruments to learn , sport(s) to play and all sorts of other 'things'.
So a big "NICE JOB!!" to the class.
Monday was a great day at school everything went well and the students were all very quiet and focussed.
We have ended the term with Keri Brown finishing her sessions with the class. This week she discussed "Keeping Safe" and then using at real life examples to get the students thinking closely about what options they would have and how would they do it. Peer Pressure was discussed and how to be assertive and not aggressive and finally the cyber world and all those hazards were covered. Again rel life examples were used and the students could see how things develop and how situations can get out of hand very quickly. I feel it has been benificial and please ask your child about the programme if you want to know what they got out of it.
Mrs Best spent her last Wednesday Release day with the class as Mr Smith has had his operation and will be 'back on deck' from the first Wednesday.
I have played a bit with the Blog look. Not sure about it but we will see how it goes.
On Wednesday Mrs Annett, Mrs Hinton and myself had a planning morning for next term. It looks exciting and busy (when is a term not busy??). We will be making Kites, looking at Picture Books in depth, having photos, a gala day, a walkathon, a LIP SYNC, etc...At the start of next term I will Blog and send out a term run down so we can all keep up with the play.
You will start getting letters from the High Schools relating to exams, visits, interviews, meetings, etc.. We get most of that information but please keep us informed if your child is going to be away from school.
The last term is especially special for the Year 8's so I really ask that you (as I will) remind them that they want to leave Gleniti with 'memories and not dreams'.
Hope you all have a restful and safe hoilday.
It has been a very busy term with it being a little disjointed due to camp and all the activities. Just a quick reminder of what we have done...
Science Enrichment
SPCA talk with Norm Hewitt
Winter Tournament
Life Skills Topic
Puberty Topic
Report writing Topic
Gleniti Olympic Day
Olympic Inquiry Topic
Visiting Artist- Rhythm Drummers
Assembly Presentations
This list is only the at school things. Many of the students have had instruments to learn , sport(s) to play and all sorts of other 'things'.
So a big "NICE JOB!!" to the class.
Monday was a great day at school everything went well and the students were all very quiet and focussed.
We have ended the term with Keri Brown finishing her sessions with the class. This week she discussed "Keeping Safe" and then using at real life examples to get the students thinking closely about what options they would have and how would they do it. Peer Pressure was discussed and how to be assertive and not aggressive and finally the cyber world and all those hazards were covered. Again rel life examples were used and the students could see how things develop and how situations can get out of hand very quickly. I feel it has been benificial and please ask your child about the programme if you want to know what they got out of it.
Mrs Best spent her last Wednesday Release day with the class as Mr Smith has had his operation and will be 'back on deck' from the first Wednesday.
I have played a bit with the Blog look. Not sure about it but we will see how it goes.
On Wednesday Mrs Annett, Mrs Hinton and myself had a planning morning for next term. It looks exciting and busy (when is a term not busy??). We will be making Kites, looking at Picture Books in depth, having photos, a gala day, a walkathon, a LIP SYNC, etc...At the start of next term I will Blog and send out a term run down so we can all keep up with the play.
You will start getting letters from the High Schools relating to exams, visits, interviews, meetings, etc.. We get most of that information but please keep us informed if your child is going to be away from school.
The last term is especially special for the Year 8's so I really ask that you (as I will) remind them that they want to leave Gleniti with 'memories and not dreams'.
Hope you all have a restful and safe hoilday.
Friday, 21 September 2012
Week 10 has come to a close...
Hi there all,
Only one week to go till we can relax during the holidays.
This week we have been to Winter Tournament and had Constable Keri Brown come in and start the Life Skills programme.
We attended Winter Tournament in three sports. The hockey was played at the turf on Morgan's Road. From what I saw and heard everybody enjoyed the day out and playing sport. Soccer was at Sir Basil Arthur Park. There were two Gleniti teams so the main game of the day was between them. I'm not sure of the score but again they enjoyed a day out of the class playing sport. The final sport we played was netball at the court. Here we had three Gleniti teams and as I wandered around before lunch they seemed to be doing well. This tournament give the students an opportunity to play different sports and display their skills. It also gives others an opportunity to see who they might tap on the shoulder to play hockey next year.
Well done Mitchell for making it into the paper.
Only one week to go till we can relax during the holidays.
This week we have been to Winter Tournament and had Constable Keri Brown come in and start the Life Skills programme.
We attended Winter Tournament in three sports. The hockey was played at the turf on Morgan's Road. From what I saw and heard everybody enjoyed the day out and playing sport. Soccer was at Sir Basil Arthur Park. There were two Gleniti teams so the main game of the day was between them. I'm not sure of the score but again they enjoyed a day out of the class playing sport. The final sport we played was netball at the court. Here we had three Gleniti teams and as I wandered around before lunch they seemed to be doing well. This tournament give the students an opportunity to play different sports and display their skills. It also gives others an opportunity to see who they might tap on the shoulder to play hockey next year.
Well done Mitchell for making it into the paper.
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Great focus |
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Hmmmmmm cant think of a caption. |
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Time to shoot. Did it go in? |
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Eyes on the Ball |
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Has he just slotted a goal? |
I will send a letter home about this blog and how to find it... um so if you are reading this you don't really to read it.
Keri Brown is taking five sessions of Life Skills (the old DARE). The first one asked and discussed "What is abuse?" "Being safe" and what to do in times when you are not safe. The students were given examples and they had to discuss and give reasons. The next few sessions will cover Drugs- What are they and what are the legal consequences of taking them, Being assertative with friends and others and finally Cyber safety. I feel all of these topics are very relevant to the students now and especially in the future when they will find themselves in situations where they will have to make tough choices.
Next week I feel the class is due a break so I have given them Monday off. The rest of the week will be as normal with classwork, homework and TTEC on Friday.
I'm now off to the hall to take down the new gazebo (not sure of the spelling) that the PTA has purchased. It looks really good and I can't wait to see it out in public.
Just a thought... my class think they are quite sharp at touch. What about a game between the parents and the students one afternoon towards the end of Term 4. I could ref (so it would be even). Drop me a note if you are keen. I'll get back to you closer to the time.
That's all for now.
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
CAMP 2012...
Wow what a week on Monday Friday seemed forever away, but the time Friday came round we wondered where the week had gone.
Monday started at 9.30 when we got on the bus and headed south into cold rainy weather. A wet stop at the Moraeki Boulders saw the first photo opportunity. More rain on the way down saw me coming up with alternatives for the week. Luckly for us by the time we hit Karitane for lunch the rain had gone and the sun poked through. Onto Dunedin where we made a stop at Signal Hill. We got a great view of the cloud that was between us and Dunedin (but we could see the Hockey turf, some say a highlight.) Back in the bus and off to the campsite.
We arrived there to dry but overcast conditions. A quick unpack and we went for a walk round the campsite. A few games of Ambush and we ended up at the confidence course where a few time trials were had and the first accident was had (Jack and his knee). Some had their first challenge of sliding down the pole. So back to camp and the choice given to what theywant to do. pleasantly suprising the choice was to go swimming in the swimming hole. Most went in (IT WAS FREEZING!!) and splashed and swum about. Some even got on the rope swing to ensure they got the most out of it. After that we went back to camp where hot showers were the order of the day. Tea time then into camp games. we had an intergroup quiz session, jenga competition and finally a hockey balloon game between the four groups. it was great with lots of hits to everyone. I think Team Yellow came out on top ater a sudden death match.
Tuesday saw us up bright and early and off to Larnach Castle. The parents took their groups and went off in search of the secrets and mysteries of the castle. Many photos later and a few suprises (Cole and the tower) we decided to leave the castle and head for the beach before Olverston House. St Kilda was cloudy but the class got into the water with some truely drenched (Rhys). Mr Z caught up with us and then after lunch and another playground we were off to Olverston House. Two groups went round. I was in Jean's group and we seemed to break most rules including playing on the roped off piano. It is true a great guide can make all the difference. The last afternoon event was racing up anmd down Baldwin Street. Not sure if the hill or the free wi fi found on the hill was a highlight...(Blake and others).Home for tea then out to Moana Pool. The kids loved this. Up and down the Hydro slide with the only injuries being head one in the entry to the Hydro slide (Mr Cameron-split head, Thomas - a 'nice' egg of the forehead.). Then onto the diving board wher all sorts of techniques and positions were demonstrated.
Wednesday saw us off to the Museum and the Butterflies. The butterfilies were in a super hot house- 27.3 degrees. They were reall amazing with at least 500 in the house. Many landed on lots of kids with only a few screaming (isn't that right....). The museum than saw the parents again taking their groups away around the rest of the building. Lots of photos of animals were taken and plenty of getting lost was had. From here we went to the Aquarium. This ws very good we had a great guide who spoke so very very fast and was super passionate about her job. We held lots of sea creatures , saw sharks. The highlight being a squid dissection. Wow they smell and they have three hearts. Many got the backbone (shell) of the squid to take home. Another thing is their ink is called sepia, which was used in the orginal photographs. Back onto the bus and off on the windy road back to the camp. Tea and then off to 10 pin bowling. Plenty of action ensued with bowling balls going generally in the right direction. The class looked brillant in their pretty bowling shoes. Hamish was the overall champion with Mr Cameron piping Mr Brown at the last through a technical point.
Thursday had us heading off to the Hall of Fame where everybody had a quiz to answer. Bridey came out on top of the best cyclist (130rpm) with Jack working hard to try and beat her. From there we went back to St Kilda beach for a run round. Here the parents and teachers really showed their class and kept the ball away from the class. Very slick moves and passing was had with all adults showing a wonderful mix of skills. If the parents ever wanted to challenge the students to a game they would easily win!!! Great tackiling from Jacob who put Mr Cameron, Mr Sisson and Mr Brown down in the sand during the game. From here we rushed off to the Art gallery for a wander round and a go at cubism. The artists were very good and really liked some of our classes work. (The pastel cubism drawings are hanging up outside the room). We have some very good artists!! Racing from here to the Forsyth Barr Stadium for a tour of the 'arena'. A really good tour into the coaches box, changing rooms, corporate boxes ($50000 for 14 games), members area ($1500 14 games) and the stands, We were asked to not stand on the turf and even after what might be called 'begging' this was not allowed. At this point some of the adults should have lead by example (no names!!). Finally back to camp for tea and then a couple of games.Up the hill for solo. Many took the opportunity to sit quietly and face their fares. The really positive thing is all did it and I could have left them out there for an hour quite happily. Back to the hall for "the chocolate game" and then the final sleep.
Friday saw us back up and hit the road for home. A steady, settled trip had us arriving in Oamaru for lunch, photos and thank yous then back to school.
A really good week with the students being no trouble and making the camp what it should have been. A camp for them.
Any other questions please ask you child or ask to see some of the 1000's of photos (I kid you not) that were taken.
Monday started at 9.30 when we got on the bus and headed south into cold rainy weather. A wet stop at the Moraeki Boulders saw the first photo opportunity. More rain on the way down saw me coming up with alternatives for the week. Luckly for us by the time we hit Karitane for lunch the rain had gone and the sun poked through. Onto Dunedin where we made a stop at Signal Hill. We got a great view of the cloud that was between us and Dunedin (but we could see the Hockey turf, some say a highlight.) Back in the bus and off to the campsite.
We arrived there to dry but overcast conditions. A quick unpack and we went for a walk round the campsite. A few games of Ambush and we ended up at the confidence course where a few time trials were had and the first accident was had (Jack and his knee). Some had their first challenge of sliding down the pole. So back to camp and the choice given to what theywant to do. pleasantly suprising the choice was to go swimming in the swimming hole. Most went in (IT WAS FREEZING!!) and splashed and swum about. Some even got on the rope swing to ensure they got the most out of it. After that we went back to camp where hot showers were the order of the day. Tea time then into camp games. we had an intergroup quiz session, jenga competition and finally a hockey balloon game between the four groups. it was great with lots of hits to everyone. I think Team Yellow came out on top ater a sudden death match.
Tuesday saw us up bright and early and off to Larnach Castle. The parents took their groups and went off in search of the secrets and mysteries of the castle. Many photos later and a few suprises (Cole and the tower) we decided to leave the castle and head for the beach before Olverston House. St Kilda was cloudy but the class got into the water with some truely drenched (Rhys). Mr Z caught up with us and then after lunch and another playground we were off to Olverston House. Two groups went round. I was in Jean's group and we seemed to break most rules including playing on the roped off piano. It is true a great guide can make all the difference. The last afternoon event was racing up anmd down Baldwin Street. Not sure if the hill or the free wi fi found on the hill was a highlight...(Blake and others).Home for tea then out to Moana Pool. The kids loved this. Up and down the Hydro slide with the only injuries being head one in the entry to the Hydro slide (Mr Cameron-split head, Thomas - a 'nice' egg of the forehead.). Then onto the diving board wher all sorts of techniques and positions were demonstrated.
Wednesday saw us off to the Museum and the Butterflies. The butterfilies were in a super hot house- 27.3 degrees. They were reall amazing with at least 500 in the house. Many landed on lots of kids with only a few screaming (isn't that right....). The museum than saw the parents again taking their groups away around the rest of the building. Lots of photos of animals were taken and plenty of getting lost was had. From here we went to the Aquarium. This ws very good we had a great guide who spoke so very very fast and was super passionate about her job. We held lots of sea creatures , saw sharks. The highlight being a squid dissection. Wow they smell and they have three hearts. Many got the backbone (shell) of the squid to take home. Another thing is their ink is called sepia, which was used in the orginal photographs. Back onto the bus and off on the windy road back to the camp. Tea and then off to 10 pin bowling. Plenty of action ensued with bowling balls going generally in the right direction. The class looked brillant in their pretty bowling shoes. Hamish was the overall champion with Mr Cameron piping Mr Brown at the last through a technical point.
Thursday had us heading off to the Hall of Fame where everybody had a quiz to answer. Bridey came out on top of the best cyclist (130rpm) with Jack working hard to try and beat her. From there we went back to St Kilda beach for a run round. Here the parents and teachers really showed their class and kept the ball away from the class. Very slick moves and passing was had with all adults showing a wonderful mix of skills. If the parents ever wanted to challenge the students to a game they would easily win!!! Great tackiling from Jacob who put Mr Cameron, Mr Sisson and Mr Brown down in the sand during the game. From here we rushed off to the Art gallery for a wander round and a go at cubism. The artists were very good and really liked some of our classes work. (The pastel cubism drawings are hanging up outside the room). We have some very good artists!! Racing from here to the Forsyth Barr Stadium for a tour of the 'arena'. A really good tour into the coaches box, changing rooms, corporate boxes ($50000 for 14 games), members area ($1500 14 games) and the stands, We were asked to not stand on the turf and even after what might be called 'begging' this was not allowed. At this point some of the adults should have lead by example (no names!!). Finally back to camp for tea and then a couple of games.Up the hill for solo. Many took the opportunity to sit quietly and face their fares. The really positive thing is all did it and I could have left them out there for an hour quite happily. Back to the hall for "the chocolate game" and then the final sleep.
Friday saw us back up and hit the road for home. A steady, settled trip had us arriving in Oamaru for lunch, photos and thank yous then back to school.
A really good week with the students being no trouble and making the camp what it should have been. A camp for them.
Any other questions please ask you child or ask to see some of the 1000's of photos (I kid you not) that were taken.
Last stop on the way home |
A big thank you to Mr Cameron who was the other teacher on camp. He did a huge amount of work behind the scenes and was always willing to help with anything. Cheers Matt.
Finally a HUGE THANK YOU to Jan Gibbs, Paula Atwill, Gillian Rodgers and Danny Sisson. These parents were FANTASTIC!! They worked tirelessly cooking, group work and being everywhere. They helped to make the camp what it was.
Hamish Games Night |
The Boulders on the way to camp |
At the art gallery |
Jumping like a gold medalist |
The Railway Station |
Olverston House rules being broken (again) |
Friday, 31 August 2012
What are we up to on camp???
Have a look at what we are up to on Camp.
It should be a great week.
Remember to get your child to pack warm and think of the places and activities they will be going.
It should be a great week.
Remember to get your child to pack warm and think of the places and activities they will be going.
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Maths this week.
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Week 6.....Done!
Hi there all,
This week has begun very well. We had Linda Merillies (district health nurse) come in on Monday and talk to the girls for an hour and 40 minutes about puberty, the changes and many other things. I do not and do not want to know what they discussed and what questions were asked. this was their time to ask a neutral well informed professional all those tough questions. the boys had a session for an hour today. Linda said both groups listened well and were interested. she also mentioned the boys were mature.
Today we discussed the camp timetable and other certain activities. All were interested in what we are going to do.
Monday am Travel
Monday pm Camp walk free time
Tuesday am Larnach Castle
Tuesday pm Olveston House/Baldwin Street
Tuesday eve Moana Pool
Wednesday am Museum
Wednesday pm Aquarium
Wednesday eve 10 Pin Bowling
Thursday am Sports Hall of fame
Thursday pm Art Gallery/Forsyth Barr Tour
Thursday eve Campsite (solo, spotlight....)
Friday am Pack up/leave
Friday pm Arrive at school @ 2.00ish
Everybody has their bunk rooms and responsibility groups. They will each get a turn at Prepping/ cooking/cleaning up Breakfast, Lunch and dinner and they will have a turn at cleaning the grounds and toilets.
A couple of things I am letting the students do relates very much to trust. The first is that they will be given free time to explore the grounds on Monday. They will be on their own with a few guidelines. The second thing is the Solo. this is where they are placed in the bush by themselves at night to sit for a time to listen think, conquer fear etc... in the past i have found it a positive task with many stories being told.
The rest of the week will see us go over the menu and a few other relevant details.
Just a note about i-pods, cell phones etc... they are allowed to take them (IT IS NOT COMPULSORY TO HAVE THEM) due to the fact they are their cameras. On camp they will be collected at night. Again trust is high that they hand in the phones when asked and follow instructions. Also, they are responsible for their devices if they lose it, drop it etc they need only look at themselves
A big thank you to Gillian Rodgers, Danny Sisson, Jan Gibbs and Paula Atwill who have given up their week to spend it with us.
More information will come out later.
This week has begun very well. We had Linda Merillies (district health nurse) come in on Monday and talk to the girls for an hour and 40 minutes about puberty, the changes and many other things. I do not and do not want to know what they discussed and what questions were asked. this was their time to ask a neutral well informed professional all those tough questions. the boys had a session for an hour today. Linda said both groups listened well and were interested. she also mentioned the boys were mature.
Today we discussed the camp timetable and other certain activities. All were interested in what we are going to do.
Monday am Travel
Monday pm Camp walk free time
Tuesday am Larnach Castle
Tuesday pm Olveston House/Baldwin Street
Tuesday eve Moana Pool
Wednesday am Museum
Wednesday pm Aquarium
Wednesday eve 10 Pin Bowling
Thursday am Sports Hall of fame
Thursday pm Art Gallery/Forsyth Barr Tour
Thursday eve Campsite (solo, spotlight....)
Friday am Pack up/leave
Friday pm Arrive at school @ 2.00ish
Everybody has their bunk rooms and responsibility groups. They will each get a turn at Prepping/ cooking/cleaning up Breakfast, Lunch and dinner and they will have a turn at cleaning the grounds and toilets.
A couple of things I am letting the students do relates very much to trust. The first is that they will be given free time to explore the grounds on Monday. They will be on their own with a few guidelines. The second thing is the Solo. this is where they are placed in the bush by themselves at night to sit for a time to listen think, conquer fear etc... in the past i have found it a positive task with many stories being told.
The rest of the week will see us go over the menu and a few other relevant details.
Just a note about i-pods, cell phones etc... they are allowed to take them (IT IS NOT COMPULSORY TO HAVE THEM) due to the fact they are their cameras. On camp they will be collected at night. Again trust is high that they hand in the phones when asked and follow instructions. Also, they are responsible for their devices if they lose it, drop it etc they need only look at themselves
Camp Night Sing Song Maybe???
More information will come out later.
Friday, 17 August 2012
Happenings and thoughts from Room 14
Hi all,
A nice 'normal' week at school. Everything has run pretty much as supposed to.
On Monday we had Marg Wright in the Maths class. She was there demonstrating specific Maths lessons for the benefit of the students and the teachers. I found it interesting, thought provoking and very useful. It is great for us to invite quality people in to help us improve what we are already doing. "If you do not improve you will only stand still- thus go backwards because others around you are improving".
The inquiry process is moving along nicely. The students have generally thought about the questions they are asking. These range from "What is the best diet for an Olympic gymnast?" to "What happens to the Olympic villages after the game?" to "What are the influences that lead people to take performance enhancing drugs?"
The first round of the enrichment Science has come to an end. Mrs Franklyn will give the teachers the assessment results and we will be talking to the students to see how much they enjoyed it and what they got out of it. This has set us up for next year when we will be entering into the South Canterbury Science Fair.
Mrs Best was in on Wednesday and the children seem to enjoy her style and the fact she is teaching them Japanese (language and culture). If you have the chance ask them to share a few phrases/words at home.
We have had our first Puberty lesson. It was good to break the ice and get started. A few giggles were had in the class at the various names of body parts and during the introductory DVD. The points I kept making are that although some start earlier, go through it faster etc.. we all have to go through it and whatever happens is supposed to.
The weather has been FRUSTRATING! Having 27 Year 7 and 8's in the class all day can be at times testing for all parties but they have done well. The odd run round the court and game in the hall has seen them be relatively settled. The ground has been saturated. On Tuesday I went out to see the state of the grounds and I literally had water over my toes. As the students leave the class I see the state of the back of some of their shirts. Mud is rather clear on maroon.
Well done the the Maths Hat makers. They did well with their "Maths Hats". Some grumbled and moaned but all made one. Some were outstanding. Have a look at the attached photo and judge for yourself.
Camp is arriving soon. The students have been given their bunk rooms and groups. It should be a fun week. Hopefully the weather stays fine enough for me to get them to do a few activities that they should enjoy and hopefully push them well outside their comfort zone. They all have been given a gear list which we have gone over in class.
I found this old(ish) add and thought I would share it with you. I like it for numerous reasons but I wont influence your thoughts. Have a look at it and if you get anything out of it that's cool, if not simply enjoy. (This is not a test!!)
The Olympics are over so sleep patterns are getting back to normal. There were many highlights but a few for me were...
1. The Chinese 100m hurdler after breaking down at the first hurdle hopped to the wrong point so couldn't leave (red tape again!!) then had to hop down the track to the exit point. Two /three other runners helped the last bit after he kissed the final hurdle to say goodbye to his career. (This is what the Olympics are about)
2. The Canadian triathlete (woman) who had a horrible day and simple was not on her game (just one of those things). She had stopped, cried, and then carried on. At the end watching her cross the line she was saying "I'm sorry" over and over again to someone. This really showed the true colours and great character of a person who can fail, not make excuses and then apologise for her failure to those her support, train and guide her.
3. Finally the guy who one the 100m and the 200m... what's his name?? Um you know the one... This was a highlight because he simply "talked the talk and walked the walk."
Well th th th that's all folks ( who can remember that cartoon)
A nice 'normal' week at school. Everything has run pretty much as supposed to.
On Monday we had Marg Wright in the Maths class. She was there demonstrating specific Maths lessons for the benefit of the students and the teachers. I found it interesting, thought provoking and very useful. It is great for us to invite quality people in to help us improve what we are already doing. "If you do not improve you will only stand still- thus go backwards because others around you are improving".
The inquiry process is moving along nicely. The students have generally thought about the questions they are asking. These range from "What is the best diet for an Olympic gymnast?" to "What happens to the Olympic villages after the game?" to "What are the influences that lead people to take performance enhancing drugs?"
The first round of the enrichment Science has come to an end. Mrs Franklyn will give the teachers the assessment results and we will be talking to the students to see how much they enjoyed it and what they got out of it. This has set us up for next year when we will be entering into the South Canterbury Science Fair.
Mrs Best was in on Wednesday and the children seem to enjoy her style and the fact she is teaching them Japanese (language and culture). If you have the chance ask them to share a few phrases/words at home.
We have had our first Puberty lesson. It was good to break the ice and get started. A few giggles were had in the class at the various names of body parts and during the introductory DVD. The points I kept making are that although some start earlier, go through it faster etc.. we all have to go through it and whatever happens is supposed to.
The weather has been FRUSTRATING! Having 27 Year 7 and 8's in the class all day can be at times testing for all parties but they have done well. The odd run round the court and game in the hall has seen them be relatively settled. The ground has been saturated. On Tuesday I went out to see the state of the grounds and I literally had water over my toes. As the students leave the class I see the state of the back of some of their shirts. Mud is rather clear on maroon.
Well done the the Maths Hat makers. They did well with their "Maths Hats". Some grumbled and moaned but all made one. Some were outstanding. Have a look at the attached photo and judge for yourself.
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ROOM 14 and their Maths Hats. |
I found this old(ish) add and thought I would share it with you. I like it for numerous reasons but I wont influence your thoughts. Have a look at it and if you get anything out of it that's cool, if not simply enjoy. (This is not a test!!)
The Olympics are over so sleep patterns are getting back to normal. There were many highlights but a few for me were...
1. The Chinese 100m hurdler after breaking down at the first hurdle hopped to the wrong point so couldn't leave (red tape again!!) then had to hop down the track to the exit point. Two /three other runners helped the last bit after he kissed the final hurdle to say goodbye to his career. (This is what the Olympics are about)
2. The Canadian triathlete (woman) who had a horrible day and simple was not on her game (just one of those things). She had stopped, cried, and then carried on. At the end watching her cross the line she was saying "I'm sorry" over and over again to someone. This really showed the true colours and great character of a person who can fail, not make excuses and then apologise for her failure to those her support, train and guide her.
3. Finally the guy who one the 100m and the 200m... what's his name?? Um you know the one... This was a highlight because he simply "talked the talk and walked the walk."
Well th th th that's all folks ( who can remember that cartoon)
Thursday, 9 August 2012
A little later than usual...
Hi all,
It has been as usual a busy week. On Monday and Tuesday everybody met with their countries and planned chants, rehearsed songs and made banners and flags. I know I had a great time with my group. From Room 14 was Cole, William and Thomas and they worked very well with everyone from the 5 year olds up.
These sessions led up to today when we had the Gleniti School Olympic Competition. It was a great afternoon with all participating and getting stuck into the activities. From the point of view of a teacher the time went very fast when you had each group.
The students have chosen their inquiry partners (with some being very thoughtful chose to be work foccussed). they have come up with their big question and their little questions. hey will now be working on finding out and going through the inquiry process. I am really excited about the inquiry as the questions are relevant and interesting.
I have continued to enjoy the class discussions about the Olympics and the events. They all have their own opinion and are usually willingly to share it.
I thank you all for coming to the interviews. It was beneficial for me to meet most of you again and talk about your child and how they are going. For those who brought their son or daughter I thought it went well to. I think it is important that everybody knows what the other is thinking and where they are heading. As I said in a few interviews it is their life and we can guide them but they must step up and not waste the opportunities that come along.
This week saw the class getting a little scratchy due to the rain and not being able to go outside and blow off steam. They did keep it together quite well and nothing was too damaged.
I thank everyone for the afternoon tea which we shared during the Reward time. It was very well recieved with it all being devoured on the day or the following Monday. It was very cool to see them all just do their own thing together. Some played in the hall, listened to music, played games or just talked.
On Friday we have the Craighead Corale performoing at school. This should be an excellent concert as they are a well polished and entertaining group.
Camp notices have come out. Could you please fill them out and send them back to school as soon as possible. If you havew any questions please do not hesitiate to contact me.
It has been as usual a busy week. On Monday and Tuesday everybody met with their countries and planned chants, rehearsed songs and made banners and flags. I know I had a great time with my group. From Room 14 was Cole, William and Thomas and they worked very well with everyone from the 5 year olds up.
These sessions led up to today when we had the Gleniti School Olympic Competition. It was a great afternoon with all participating and getting stuck into the activities. From the point of view of a teacher the time went very fast when you had each group.
The students have chosen their inquiry partners (with some being very thoughtful chose to be work foccussed). they have come up with their big question and their little questions. hey will now be working on finding out and going through the inquiry process. I am really excited about the inquiry as the questions are relevant and interesting.
I have continued to enjoy the class discussions about the Olympics and the events. They all have their own opinion and are usually willingly to share it.
I thank you all for coming to the interviews. It was beneficial for me to meet most of you again and talk about your child and how they are going. For those who brought their son or daughter I thought it went well to. I think it is important that everybody knows what the other is thinking and where they are heading. As I said in a few interviews it is their life and we can guide them but they must step up and not waste the opportunities that come along.
This week saw the class getting a little scratchy due to the rain and not being able to go outside and blow off steam. They did keep it together quite well and nothing was too damaged.
I thank everyone for the afternoon tea which we shared during the Reward time. It was very well recieved with it all being devoured on the day or the following Monday. It was very cool to see them all just do their own thing together. Some played in the hall, listened to music, played games or just talked.
On Friday we have the Craighead Corale performoing at school. This should be an excellent concert as they are a well polished and entertaining group.
Camp notices have come out. Could you please fill them out and send them back to school as soon as possible. If you havew any questions please do not hesitiate to contact me.
Room 14 hard at work |
Room 14 working on improving their vocab. |
An on task group |
Looking down the table seeing a great work ethic to see them improve their vocabulary. |
Three girls ready for the Olympic afternoon. |
Fancy nails supporting Japan |
The class working well to improve |
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A look at four students from Room 14 dressed in their Olympic Gear. Can you pick which counry they are supporting? |
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Week 3
Hi there all,
The Olympics are well and truly underway. I love my sport and it is strange and great how I find myself watching all these different sports which I usually wouldn't worry about, and a lot of the time New Zealand isn't even competing. This morning I found myself wincing when the Thailand girl wrenched her elbow in the weightlifting and yelling at the TV for the Australians to hold on win the 4 x 100 swimming relay.
We have had some interesting discussions in the class about the Olympics on such topics as:
Drugs at the games- Would you take them to win?
Should they be open to those who are not up to standard- Nigerian rower?
What would you give up to participate in them?
This week at school we have Tuesday and Wednesday being short days due to teacher interviews.
We will be finishing at 2.00pm.
The school will be having an Olympic day on the 9th of August (Thursday, Week 4). The school will be split into groups and take part in events at the SBS centre from after lunch. More details will come home an Friday.
Once again if anything comes up please contact me early so we can sort out the problem early.
NB* If you want to know when I post a new blog you can set up an GOOGLE ALERT which will e-mail you directly when I post, rather than you looking and hoping.
The Olympics are well and truly underway. I love my sport and it is strange and great how I find myself watching all these different sports which I usually wouldn't worry about, and a lot of the time New Zealand isn't even competing. This morning I found myself wincing when the Thailand girl wrenched her elbow in the weightlifting and yelling at the TV for the Australians to hold on win the 4 x 100 swimming relay.
We have had some interesting discussions in the class about the Olympics on such topics as:
Drugs at the games- Would you take them to win?
Should they be open to those who are not up to standard- Nigerian rower?
What would you give up to participate in them?
This week at school we have Tuesday and Wednesday being short days due to teacher interviews.
We will be finishing at 2.00pm.
The school will be having an Olympic day on the 9th of August (Thursday, Week 4). The school will be split into groups and take part in events at the SBS centre from after lunch. More details will come home an Friday.
Once again if anything comes up please contact me early so we can sort out the problem early.
NB* If you want to know when I post a new blog you can set up an GOOGLE ALERT which will e-mail you directly when I post, rather than you looking and hoping.
Friday, 27 July 2012
A couple of things...
Don't forget the parent interviews are next Tuesday and Wednesday. If you can't find a time to suit please contact me so we can organise a time. Please try and have you child there as it is their education we are discussing and their input is vital.
The class has earned a 'Reward Afternoon'. This will happen next Thursday (2nd August). The children are allowed mufti for the day, electronic games (afternoon only) and they have organised what they will bring in the way of food and drink.
Short and sweet at the moment.
The class has earned a 'Reward Afternoon'. This will happen next Thursday (2nd August). The children are allowed mufti for the day, electronic games (afternoon only) and they have organised what they will bring in the way of food and drink.
Short and sweet at the moment.
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Reporting in...
Hi there all. Week 1 has been and gone. It is great to see all the students back and mostly on task. Some take a few more days to switch back into school/classroom mode but by the end of the week we were back on track.
Science Enrichment began on Tuesday with positive feedback given by the students after their sessions. The first practical session is always a bit messy with the timing and facitilies but from now on it will be smooth sailing.
On Friday we went down to the camp where we will be staying. It is well laid out and well set up. What I will say now and many times before we go. The children will need lots of warm clothing. It is Dunedin in the 3rd day of Spring so it could be very cold. There will be more lots more correspondance later but if you have any questions feel free to contact me at school.
We have student, parent, teacher interviews in Week Three (Tuesday & Wednesday). Steve has set up the system and will send you the passwords and information next week. These interviews will involve your child talking about their good results, not so good results, relationships, work ethic etc. I see these interviews as very helpful and insightful.
If you can't make the interview times feel free to contact me and we will make other arrangements.
Mrs Best will be taking the class on Wednesday (for 4 weeks) due to Mr Smith being laid low after an operation.
On Wednesday and Thursday the houses will do battle once again. This time it is in the field of General Knowledge. There will be about 90 questions over two lunchtimes to find the champions of 2012. Once the quiz is over and marked I will put the questions here to see how you would go. The topics of the questions are Art and Literature, Geography and Travel, Sport and Leisure, History and Politics, Entertainment, and Science and Nature. Hopefully (depending on time) we will have at least one more interhouse competition. It could be soccer or netball.
Science Enrichment began on Tuesday with positive feedback given by the students after their sessions. The first practical session is always a bit messy with the timing and facitilies but from now on it will be smooth sailing.
On Friday we went down to the camp where we will be staying. It is well laid out and well set up. What I will say now and many times before we go. The children will need lots of warm clothing. It is Dunedin in the 3rd day of Spring so it could be very cold. There will be more lots more correspondance later but if you have any questions feel free to contact me at school.
We have student, parent, teacher interviews in Week Three (Tuesday & Wednesday). Steve has set up the system and will send you the passwords and information next week. These interviews will involve your child talking about their good results, not so good results, relationships, work ethic etc. I see these interviews as very helpful and insightful.
If you can't make the interview times feel free to contact me and we will make other arrangements.
Mrs Best will be taking the class on Wednesday (for 4 weeks) due to Mr Smith being laid low after an operation.
On Wednesday and Thursday the houses will do battle once again. This time it is in the field of General Knowledge. There will be about 90 questions over two lunchtimes to find the champions of 2012. Once the quiz is over and marked I will put the questions here to see how you would go. The topics of the questions are Art and Literature, Geography and Travel, Sport and Leisure, History and Politics, Entertainment, and Science and Nature. Hopefully (depending on time) we will have at least one more interhouse competition. It could be soccer or netball.
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
TERM 3 2012
Hi there all,
Welcome back to you all. I hope you all had good holidays.
I thought a quick run down of the term is in order.
We start with with the Olympics. This will be taught under the Inquiry Social Science Model. At the moment it is the Tuning In stage so in class they are learning about them, the stories, the problems and the history. After this stage they will be developing their own personal questions. We will finish this topic at the end of Week 4, when the Olympics stop. You Tube is a fantastic Olympic resource to use and discuss. I have attached a video we looked at in class as part of a "What do the Olympics mean?" discussion.
Welcome back to you all. I hope you all had good holidays.
I thought a quick run down of the term is in order.
We start with with the Olympics. This will be taught under the Inquiry Social Science Model. At the moment it is the Tuning In stage so in class they are learning about them, the stories, the problems and the history. After this stage they will be developing their own personal questions. We will finish this topic at the end of Week 4, when the Olympics stop. You Tube is a fantastic Olympic resource to use and discuss. I have attached a video we looked at in class as part of a "What do the Olympics mean?" discussion.
As part of the Olympics we have an Olympic Day at school. More information will be provided as it comes to light.
Weeks 5/6/7 will see us tackle Puberty. This is always interesting through the conservations and giggles. Before we start this topic I will be sending out information so you are well informed about what will be covered.
Of course in Week 8 we are off to Dunedin on our camp. Planning is well underway with activities being booked, transport being organised and camps being visited. It should be a great week. With lots of fun had by all. As with other topics you will b getting more information the closer we get to the date.
Winter Tournament practice has begun today for the tournament on September 18th. We are offering Soccer, Hockey, Netball and Rugby (thanks to the Rugby Union).
First football run for winter tournament |
Getting set for the first hockey practice of the term. |
The final topic this term will be Life Skills (the old DARE course) . It is run by the Police with Keri Brown coming in to take us.
Enrichment this term is very interesting as we are involving all the Year 7 & 8's in a scientific experimentation programme. This will see them visit Mrs Franklyn one a week for 5 weeks to undertake experiments. It is a great chance for them to enhance their skills and really enjoy science.
Don't forget Week 3 (Tuesday and Wednesday) is parent, teacher, student interviews. The booking site is not up yet but you will be given plenty of notice. If you can't come during this time, just contact me and we will sort something out. I encourage the students to be there as it is their education. It will be a student involved interview not a student led interview.
That's all for now.
But as always if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me.
Friday, 29 June 2012
End of Term
What a full on term, which ended with a full on Week 10.
Tuesday saw us play against Waimataitai. The results were: Gleniti won the Soccer 5-2, Netball A 24-4 and Basketball 24-22. Waimataitai won the Rugby, Netball B and the Hockey. Which means an evenly shared or drawn exchange. The great thing is that they and we want to do it again next year, with them hosting and a trophy for the winning school. Something to definitely to look forward to.
Wednesday afternoon saw Mr Gill's final assembly. The class performed admirably whether it was sitting and listening to the speakers, singing the songs, performing with Kapa Haka, performing with 'Dear Rudiger' or helping me set up the hall. It is at times like this that you really see the character and maturity of a person and whether they can 'step up' to the task or fall by the wayside. Unfortunately the power was one thing that we cannot control. The first power cut shortened the slide show just at the wrong time, with the most popular slide coming up.
Wednesday evening saw the Year 7&8 Spelling teams compete at the Central South Island Competition. Just fewer than 50 teams entered from Rakaia through to Oamaru. There were some challenging words, questions and activities. At the half way point our A team was first equal with 3 other schools, but after a great 8th round (guess and spell a word with as few clues as possible) they were on top and continued to hold their nerve to the end. The A Team came out on top with a score of 96 out of a 100. Our B team got 14th with a fine score of 85. Well done to both teams.
Our 7&8 enrichment programme wound up with the students learning two songs as a group. 'Puff the Magic Dragon' which they performed at Mr Gill's assembly and 'Doe Ray Me' which they performed at a school assembly. The group also performed on the last Tuesday (playing and singing) as soloists. They did very well, because as you know performing to your peers is the toughest audience. We had songs from 'Somewhere over the Rainbow' to 'You can count on Me' to 'In the Jungle' to 'Hallelujah'.
All have come a long way and it would be good if it could keep going.
Thursday was normal!
Friday they students handed in their reports and I look forward to reading them and finding out what they think. One student said he/she found it quite challenging and sort of strange he/she had to do it. I explained it like this... 'imagine you were playing a sport. During your game you are playing hard doing your best, making choices and trying things out. After your game you sit down and really look at what you were doing and reflect on your performance and see where you can improve. What choices were good and so will keep with those, what choices were not so good and how can you improve them, what are your really good skills and how can you make them better or what skills are lacking a little so you really need to work on them.' So the report is a time for reflection and evaluation to see where you are doing well and where you can improve.
Next term has been planned and it is very exciting with the Olympics, camp, enrichment and etc... (more details to come next term). Enrichment will see all the students undertake hands on scientific experimentation programme. It should be fun and be a great time for leaning about reactions and chemicals.
I hope you all have a safe and relaxing holiday and I will see you at parent interviews early in the term.
Tuesday saw us play against Waimataitai. The results were: Gleniti won the Soccer 5-2, Netball A 24-4 and Basketball 24-22. Waimataitai won the Rugby, Netball B and the Hockey. Which means an evenly shared or drawn exchange. The great thing is that they and we want to do it again next year, with them hosting and a trophy for the winning school. Something to definitely to look forward to.
Wednesday afternoon saw Mr Gill's final assembly. The class performed admirably whether it was sitting and listening to the speakers, singing the songs, performing with Kapa Haka, performing with 'Dear Rudiger' or helping me set up the hall. It is at times like this that you really see the character and maturity of a person and whether they can 'step up' to the task or fall by the wayside. Unfortunately the power was one thing that we cannot control. The first power cut shortened the slide show just at the wrong time, with the most popular slide coming up.
Wednesday evening saw the Year 7&8 Spelling teams compete at the Central South Island Competition. Just fewer than 50 teams entered from Rakaia through to Oamaru. There were some challenging words, questions and activities. At the half way point our A team was first equal with 3 other schools, but after a great 8th round (guess and spell a word with as few clues as possible) they were on top and continued to hold their nerve to the end. The A Team came out on top with a score of 96 out of a 100. Our B team got 14th with a fine score of 85. Well done to both teams.
Our 7&8 enrichment programme wound up with the students learning two songs as a group. 'Puff the Magic Dragon' which they performed at Mr Gill's assembly and 'Doe Ray Me' which they performed at a school assembly. The group also performed on the last Tuesday (playing and singing) as soloists. They did very well, because as you know performing to your peers is the toughest audience. We had songs from 'Somewhere over the Rainbow' to 'You can count on Me' to 'In the Jungle' to 'Hallelujah'.
All have come a long way and it would be good if it could keep going.
Thursday was normal!
Friday they students handed in their reports and I look forward to reading them and finding out what they think. One student said he/she found it quite challenging and sort of strange he/she had to do it. I explained it like this... 'imagine you were playing a sport. During your game you are playing hard doing your best, making choices and trying things out. After your game you sit down and really look at what you were doing and reflect on your performance and see where you can improve. What choices were good and so will keep with those, what choices were not so good and how can you improve them, what are your really good skills and how can you make them better or what skills are lacking a little so you really need to work on them.' So the report is a time for reflection and evaluation to see where you are doing well and where you can improve.
Next term has been planned and it is very exciting with the Olympics, camp, enrichment and etc... (more details to come next term). Enrichment will see all the students undertake hands on scientific experimentation programme. It should be fun and be a great time for leaning about reactions and chemicals.
I hope you all have a safe and relaxing holiday and I will see you at parent interviews early in the term.
The Room 14 spellers from Gleniti A and Gleniti B |
Room 14 listening to Mr Gill on his last day. |
Monday, 25 June 2012
Interschool Sports 26th June
Hi there,
Just a reminder...
On Tuesday 26th we are playing Waimataitai in a number of sports. We are hosting soccer, rugby 7's, netball and soccer and at the SBS centre we have basketball and hockey. It should be a great experience playing other schools in a competitive situation. The games start at 1.45 and will finish at 2.45. Please feel free to come along and throw your support behind Gleniti.
Just a reminder...
On Tuesday 26th we are playing Waimataitai in a number of sports. We are hosting soccer, rugby 7's, netball and soccer and at the SBS centre we have basketball and hockey. It should be a great experience playing other schools in a competitive situation. The games start at 1.45 and will finish at 2.45. Please feel free to come along and throw your support behind Gleniti.
Friday, 22 June 2012
One more to go!
Hi all,
It seems only last week that we had Anzac day off.
This week has been really good. It is fantastic to see most students really trying hard to improve their work quality and their behaviour even though it is at the end of the term and they are tired. The skill to stay focused and on task even when tired displays a maturing disposition.
This weeks 'Painting' homework was very interesting and the discussion we had before lunch was thoughtful with people giving their own opinions and reasons.
I am working my way through the Novel Studies, and will have them marked by the start of next term.
The first three days of next week are not relaxing..
On Monday at 1.30 we have Mr Gill's rehearsal assembly to see if everything flows and works.
Tuesday has enrichment solo performances and then in the afternoon we are playing against Waimataitai starting at 1.45 and finishing at 2.45. We are playing rugby, soccer and netball at school while the basketball and hockey are played at the SBS stadium. You are all very welcome to come along and support the students.
Wednesday will require some students helping set up the hall for the assembly at 2.00pm, then we have some very kind girls helping with the afternoon tea in the library from 3.00-4.00... and finally the Spelling teams compete at the South Canterbury Spelling quiz form 6.30-8.00.
Thursday is a relatively normal day with the TBHS sports students coming at lunchtime to take a range of sports.
Friday will see homework handed in and TTECH as usual.
The students Records Books were sent home today. Can they please be returned by the 27th of June.
Reports are out on the last day of term.
Thanks for a great term.
It seems only last week that we had Anzac day off.
This week has been really good. It is fantastic to see most students really trying hard to improve their work quality and their behaviour even though it is at the end of the term and they are tired. The skill to stay focused and on task even when tired displays a maturing disposition.
This weeks 'Painting' homework was very interesting and the discussion we had before lunch was thoughtful with people giving their own opinions and reasons.
I am working my way through the Novel Studies, and will have them marked by the start of next term.
The first three days of next week are not relaxing..
On Monday at 1.30 we have Mr Gill's rehearsal assembly to see if everything flows and works.
Tuesday has enrichment solo performances and then in the afternoon we are playing against Waimataitai starting at 1.45 and finishing at 2.45. We are playing rugby, soccer and netball at school while the basketball and hockey are played at the SBS stadium. You are all very welcome to come along and support the students.
Wednesday will require some students helping set up the hall for the assembly at 2.00pm, then we have some very kind girls helping with the afternoon tea in the library from 3.00-4.00... and finally the Spelling teams compete at the South Canterbury Spelling quiz form 6.30-8.00.
Thursday is a relatively normal day with the TBHS sports students coming at lunchtime to take a range of sports.
Friday will see homework handed in and TTECH as usual.
The students Records Books were sent home today. Can they please be returned by the 27th of June.
Reports are out on the last day of term.
Thanks for a great term.
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Visitors in the class
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Life Education Report.
Hi there all please have a read about waht the students learnt through the Life Education programme.
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Whats happening...
Hi there,
Last week we we had Life Education at school with three sessions about making choices. The students seemed to enjoy and get some important messages out of it.
Thanks to all those who have sent their forms back. To answer a couple of questions the photos I put on will not be named and the work I put on will be named but won't include photos. The photos will be whats happening around the school eg. cricket, class presentations, class activities, trips etc..
Congratulations to the cross country teams who ran well. Our Year 7 & 8 teams placed: 2nd for the boys and 3rd for the girls.
The Waimataitai exchange is being practiced with most of the teams being named. What I am still looking for is a basketball coac and a Netball B coach. If you can help it would be fantastic!
Below ia a selection of photos from the year so far. A) For me to practice putting them on and B) To show what has been happening.
Last week we we had Life Education at school with three sessions about making choices. The students seemed to enjoy and get some important messages out of it.
Thanks to all those who have sent their forms back. To answer a couple of questions the photos I put on will not be named and the work I put on will be named but won't include photos. The photos will be whats happening around the school eg. cricket, class presentations, class activities, trips etc..
Congratulations to the cross country teams who ran well. Our Year 7 & 8 teams placed: 2nd for the boys and 3rd for the girls.
The Waimataitai exchange is being practiced with most of the teams being named. What I am still looking for is a basketball coac and a Netball B coach. If you can help it would be fantastic!
Below ia a selection of photos from the year so far. A) For me to practice putting them on and B) To show what has been happening.
More photos to come.
A warm day at the Cricket. |
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