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Sunday 13 May 2012

This week...

Hi there.
The homework for this week has been posted so if you forget your book it is easy to get.
The events for this week are going to make the week entertaining and busy.
On Monday 20 of our class are away from 11-3 visiting and talking to people at the museum, library and the TDC buildings about their careers. We have been fortunate and have got the people in charge meeting with us. We have the two curators of the Museum, the head librarian and the mayor. The students should learn a lot about  different careers and the paths to those careers.
On Tuesday the House Captains travel to Christchurch to attend the Young Leaders Day. A worthwhile even if it starts with a early morning (6.45) departure time.
We have a visit from a professional mime at 9.30. This will be interesting and entertaining.
The ukuele group is going very well. They have been given the goal to perform for the school at the end of the term with two numbers (playing and singing) and within our own small group they have to perform an individual number (play & sing). As the teacher/leader of the group I will be doing a solo piece and if they need support will be seen on stage.
A huge thank you to the parents who have volunteered their time to speak to the class. I will be getting in touch with you this week.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...
