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Sunday 6 May 2012

Week 3 Term 2 2012

Wow. It is week 3 already. This week we have visiting artists from the Playhouse. They will be presenting a drama called "Phone a Friend".
We have begun our careers topic with a students being tested for their personality type. This was a fun exercise that let them understand about themselves and maybe how they work with others and what sort of career would suit them. It was the DOPE test. (different sorts of testing was suggested in class when I mentioned this). They all worked out if they were a Dove, Owl, Peacock or an Eagle. Interesting was that when we discussed each personalities traits most thought it was pretty close. As their teacher thought the results were extremely good. Some had more dominant traits than others while some had a fairly level feel over all the four. This also led to an interesting discussion.
Your child has taken home two forms: one for you to consider visiting and talking to the class and one for them to write down what they would like to look at during the study. THESE ARE DUE MONDAY 7TH IF POSSIBLE.

Also.... if you are considering putting your name forward to be considered for camp please get the form back to class ASAP.

If you are keen to take the test please click on the attached link. The DOPE TEST- Questions and Marking

Mr Brown

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its not sunday