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Sunday 20 May 2012

Time table to help you and your children

Hi there,
This week is very hectic and unusual so I thought I would post this to help with your child knowing what is happening.
As you can see:
Monday is a Teacher Only Day
Tuesday is:  Enrichment (as normal) Mrs Tregenza in class till lunchtime
                   No interchange (Mrs Annett away at Ministry writing course)
                   I will be meeting with the Maths speaker (from Monday) about specifically
                   improving Yr 7/8 Maths from 2.00-3.00 (reliever in class)
                   Mrs Flynn is coming to speak to the class at 2.30
Wednesday: Visitor to the school -Speaker Easy
                     Group visits to Polytech or Services
                     Mrs Dobbs at 1.00
                     Mr Smith releasing me all day (as per normal)
                     Sport - need a change of shoes and shirt
Thursday:      Normal day except I am away at a leadership course and...
                     Mr Sisson at 11.00
Friday:          Normal day!
                    TTECH at 12.40

Hope this helps

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