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Sunday 27 May 2012

What have we been up to...

Last week was hectic!! The class did well as the week to stay generally on task (not mentioning Tuesday) even though the week was disrupted and unusual.

Firstly I must thank Mrs Flynn, Mrs Dobbs and Mr Sisson. They gave up their time to come into class and talk about their careers. I must apologise that I couldn't be there and by all accounts I missed some very good, clear and interesting speakers. Once again I thank them very much.

Wednesday went very well with the visits going to plan. The children took lots of photos and from what I heard in the class listened closely to the information.

This week we have Mr Woods (Monday) and Mr Hull (Thursday) visiting us to share their careers.

Enrichment continues to go well with "Puff the Magic Dragon" and "Do Ray Me" coming together nicely.

The cross country is on Tuesday afternoon. I encourage all parents to come along and support their child(dren). The first race starts at 1.45 (Year 7/8's). The cross country is an event that not all people enjoy. I am encouraging everybody to run their hardest. At the end of the race they should be able to say they gave it their all.
Some will win and we must celebrate their success. So will not win but they must be congratulated on putting in their absolute best effort.

Wednesday sees Mountain View High School having an open day. Again I encourage parents and students to attend all the open days they can and ask as many questions as they can. The best decisions are informed decisions.

Everybody have a great week.


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